Here at Adventure Game Studio (AGS), we believe in being transparent and clear about how we use cookies to enhance your experience. By continuing to browse our site, you're agreeing to our use of cookies . Let's break down what this means for you.

Understanding Cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your device to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour. They help us improve our site and provide a more personalised experience.

Types of Cookies We Use

1. External Libraries' Cookies:

  • Google Analytics : These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our website, which helps us improve user experience.
  • CleanTalk : These cookies are used by the CleanTalk anti-spam plugin used on our forums.

2. Our Own Cookies:

  • AGS_agree_cookies: This cookie remembers your acceptance of our cookie policy, so we don't have to ask you every time. It expires after two years.
  • AGS_forums: This keeps you logged in on our AGS forums. Its duration depends on your settings, but it can last up to six years.
  • AGS_forums_tfa: This is used by the forums' Two-Factor Authentication. It expires after 3,153,600 seconds (around 36.5 days).
  • AGS_theme: This remembers your preference for the site's light or dark theme. It expires after two years.
  • PHPSESSID: Essential for our web server, this cookie manages your session data and expires when your browser is closed.

Your Choices

Remember, you have control over your cookies! Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. If you choose to disable cookies, however, some parts of our site may not function as intended.