Adventure Game Studio (AGS) offers a unique platform for creating point-and-click adventure games, and if you're keen on contributing to the development of the AGS Engine and AGS Editor, you've come to the right place. This guide is tailored to help you seamlessly integrate into the AGS development community, ensuring you have all the essential information and resources at your fingertips.

AGS Engine & AGS Editor: Your Starting Point

Interested in shaping the future of AGS? Begin by exploring the AGS readme on GitHub. This comprehensive guide is your first step towards understanding how to contribute effectively. It provides links to various development projects and introduces you to versions of the AGS engine for multiple platforms.

Exploring the Source Code and Ports

AGS development thrives on our GitHub page . Here, you'll find the source code for the AGS Editor and Engine, primarily for Windows. But that's just the start – the repository also includes ports for Linux, Android, iOS, and PSP. These ports allow AGS games to be enjoyed across a wide range of devices.

For those interested in the technical aspects, compiling the ports is an engaging process. Detailed instructions are available directly on the GitHub pages, ensuring a smooth experience for developers of all skill levels.

Engaging with the AGS Community

The AGS community discussions take place in dedicated forums, specifically the Engine Development and Editor Development forums. These platforms are ideal for sharing ideas, seeking advice, and collaborating with fellow AGS enthusiasts.

AGS Nightly Builds

For those eager to get a glimpse of the latest AGS advancements, the AGS Build Server forum thread is your go-to resource. Here, you'll find nightly builds of the newest AGS versions. However, be mindful that these builds are often unstable and not recommended for use in active game projects.