Get mouse coordinates when click on the Room ?

Started by Marion, Sat 11/03/2023 10:31:53

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Hi everyone ! I am trying the 3.99 version of Adventure Game Studio, it's great so far !
I remember in the previous versions, when you click on the middle wheel of the mouse when on the Room details, you could get the room coordinates, that were copied and then you could paste on the script when needed. It was very useful when you need precise coordinates in the script. But it seems this function has disappeared in the 3.99 version.
Is there any way we can still do that ? Copy the mouse coordinates directly from the Room view ? Or must I just remember or note the coordinates that appear in the Room view ?..
I hope I was clear, sorry for my bad english.
thank you in advance :)


If I remember correctly, right click is used for the PAN gesture in that AGS version, but you can still find that menu using shift+right click (just hold shift, and then right click).

That version is highly experimental and we haven't done any releases of it yet - not even alpha, I would recommend waiting some release is made before doing any sort of bigger project with it.


Yes! It works ! Thank you very much :)

I understand, I will mostly test it for now :)

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