AGS 3.6.0 - Patch 5

Started by Crimson Wizard, Thu 14/09/2023 20:30:34

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Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Radiant on Thu 19/10/2023 14:00:03For a game that formerly used the [disabled] section in acsetup.cfg to hide the AA filters, is it possible to hide the linear filter in a similar way?

[disabled] section should still work, I think.


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 19/10/2023 14:07:44[disabled] section should still work, I think.
Yes, but with what value? Is there a manual page on the various things one can add in acsetup.cfg?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Radiant on Thu 19/10/2023 14:23:15
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 19/10/2023 14:07:44[disabled] section should still work, I think.
Yes, but with what value? Is there a manual page on the various things one can add in acsetup.cfg?

The actual ID of a filter:

Quote[disabled] - special instructions for the setup program hinting to disable particular options or lock some in the certain state. Ignored by the engine.
render_at_screenres = [0; 1] - tells to lock "Render sprites in screen resolution" in a default state;
speechvox = [0; 1] - tells to lock "Use digital speech pack" in a default state;
filters = [0; 1] - tells to lock "Graphics filter" selection in a default state;
<filter id> - tells to remove particular graphics filter from the selection list;

The filter IDs are mentioned for the corresponding setting:
Quotefilter = [string] - id of the scaling filter to use. Supported filter names are:
none - run in native game size;
stdscale - nearest-neighbour scaling;
linear - anti-aliased scaling; not usable with software renderer.


Right, so if I understand correctly, if I add
Code: ags

then that should disable the linear filter. However, that does not actually work; nor does filter=linear, or linear=1, or AAx2=1.

Crimson Wizard

No, "filters" is a boolean for disabling filters selection.

Code: ags


Crimson Wizard

So, apparently this is case-sensitive, and filter is registered as "Linear". This is a mistake, and should be fixed.


How do you figure? None of "linear", "Linear", "LINEAR", "Linear interpolation", "Linear_interpolation" or "linear_interpolation" work for me.

(edit) do you mean that the config file is parsed as lower-case, but AGS requires it to be sentence case, therefore this can never match?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Radiant on Thu 19/10/2023 15:31:01How do you figure? None of "linear", "Linear", "LINEAR", "Linear interpolation", "Linear_interpolation" or

There's another mistake in this documentation, it has to be
Code: ags

everything is in mess here.


Now it works, thanks.

Just a minor thing (if you're fixing things regarding this setting anyway), I feel that when the pulldown menu for Scaling method has only one option in it (in this case, nearest neighbor since linear is disabled now) then this pulldown should be grayed out.


I kinda feel these scaling options would be better set in general settings because usually there is a certain intent from the developer regarding the look and feel of their game.

Even if for some mysterious reason there's a need for this in the config, the default (say there is no acsetup.cfg) would still be set in the game settings. This is mostly because this set alone completely changes the game look and feel.


Quote from: eri0o on Thu 19/10/2023 17:26:35I kinda feel these scaling options would be better set in general settings because usually there is a certain intent from the developer regarding the look and feel of their game.
That's indeed why I'm looking for this option. For these particular games, their respective artists feel that certain particular scaling settings don't look good on the art style.

Crimson Wizard

So, yes, it's a horrible mess now. The filter and gfxdriver IDs are treated as case-insensitive in one case, and as case-sensitive in another. The docs and engine help mention them all lowercase, while the actual IDs are camelcase. I should have paid more attention to this earlier.

EDIT: the part of the problem is that filter names are used as config keys in "disabled" section. If they were used as values instead, that would solve the issue for the time being.

I.e. if it were "filters=name,name,..." instead.

Crimson Wizard

On another hand, is not listing which filters to disable is opposite to what the user's intention is?
If intention is to lock particular filter, then this is what should be done instead.
Currently this may be done by setting filter in config, and doing
Code: ags


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 19/10/2023 22:55:29On another hand, is not listing which filters to disable is opposite to what the user's intention is?
That depends on how many filters there are. Out of the three filters listed, I'm fine with none and stdscale; and I want to disable linear.

(edit) I suppose I could lock it to stdscale, and assume that stdscale with a scaling of 1.0 is identical to no scaling.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Radiant on Fri 20/10/2023 08:45:01I'm fine with none and stdscale; and I want to disable linear.

(edit) I suppose I could lock it to stdscale, and assume that stdscale with a scaling of 1.0 is identical to no scaling.

In the contemporary engine there's no such thing as "no filter", there's always a filter setting, because window is now freely resizable.
This is also why "scaling" and "filter" options were separated. The "scaling" option only tells the starting scaling.


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 20/10/2023 09:54:11In the contemporary engine there's no such thing as "no filter", there's always a filter setting, because window is now freely resizable.
That's good to hear, but you also just mentioned that "none" is one of the supported filter names. Or is that part of the docs outdated?

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 19/10/2023 14:35:57Supported filter names are:
none - run in native game size;

Crimson Wizard

Yes, apparently it's another mistake in docs.

Crimson Wizard

Here's a temporary build with a number of fixes applied:

I'm posting this for an extra test before making an official new patch.

Fixes include (but not limited to):
- Fixed in script editor character literals having wrong style when a custom theme is applied;
- Fixed TextWindow edges drawn under the corner pieces;
- Fixed screen flashing black once after a video playback;
- Don't check number of audio clips when loading a legacy save format (made before 3.5.0);
- An option to disable language selection in Winsetup ("[disabled] translation = 1");
- Filter names under "[disabled]" section in config are treated in case-insensitive way;
- Print a warning into game log when a blocking Display or Say is called while game is fade-out;


Thank you! I will have time to test this on tuesday evening (because I'm not home this weekend).

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