Android Build

Started by Vincent, Tue 10/01/2023 13:30:59

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Quote from: eri0o on Tue 10/01/2023 15:51:38Also, just please, check that is indeed the SDK path that is pointed by Android Studio. The problem I had when making this feature is these weren't matching.

You mean this?

Also regarding this reference "Reference:"
Should I do all of that to make it work?


It looks like the path is correct, I noticed that Game Maker also doesn't support this latest version of Android Studio (they are on Chipmunk) and reading the Android Studio Dolphin release notes they mention they changed something in the sdkmanager.

In this screen of android studio where there are some packages and things, you kinda don't need to click anything because once AGS Editor has the sdkmanager it can download things as needed using it - each six months Google changes some requirements for submitting to play store and I thought it was easier to just upgrade whatever was needed in AGS Editor itself and have the sdkmanager be used by it to automatically get it.

So in theory AGS doesn't really need SDK Manager to build the game, and if I am not mistaken you can make an empty file named sdkmanager and place in tools\bin\sdkmanager (creating the directories as needed) and AGS tries to build things - but it can fail if it doesn't find something the project needs.

QuoteShould I do all of that to make it work

No, don't follow their docs, they are wrong. I will check this tonight.

Android Studio already has those command line tools somewhere, the challenge is figuring out where.

If you don't use the Android Studio to install Android related things the environment gets way too confusing too fast, so the best thing is always figure out how Android Studio is working.


Thanks for taking the time to see all of this. What you mean by creating an empty file? Also as you can see in the previous screenshot I dont have these path on the SDK folder:  tools\bin\sdkmanager I'd like to try and see if Ags can compile the same


Just checking

In the Building for Android topic in the manual, you did went through all the 4 steps of the Android Studio setup there is there, right?

You met this screen too?:

You can create an empty file in several ways, you can save an empty text file with notepad and then just rename it entirely to sdkmanager (the file will have no extension)

You can also use the search inside that directory to see if it's there somewhere.

Ah, a question, have you installed anything through the Android Studio SDK screen you showed, that asked you to accept some license? I remember now there was this license thing sometime ago, but I think sdkmanager would still be found in the place it was in  Android Studio Chipmunk

Also, an alternative way is to use JetBrains Toolbox, it enables downloading multiple versions of Android Studio and having them side-by-side, I think it's still possible to download Android Studio Chipmunk using it - I could not find it easily in Android Studio website, but I use JetBrains Toolbox for this.


Well, I think I went through all the 4 steps of the manual. When I went to "Android SDK" I only selected Android 10.0(Q) and clicked ok but it didnt showed this screen:

By the way the Android 10.0(Q) has been installed successfully as they say. I've been met that screen too about licensed and I accepted all (I can't remember if I installed something on that screen but I dont think). I've been trying to use the search bar inside the SDK folder and looking for the sdkmanager but can't find anything...

Idk what should I do next, should I create that empty file and then give that as a path for SDK? or should I try to download JetBrains Toolbox?


For the specific version of Android Studio you have I don't know what to do until I have made a clean installation of it somewhere and experimented with it.

If you can use an older version, it should work, I tested up to Chipmunk. This is as much as I can say now  :(


This isn't urgent I just wanted to give it a try to see how it all worked. Basically it just miss the sdk path with the version I have of android studio (which I think is the newest one because I just download it today and I dont feel like installing an old version) however as you saw early I followed the correct path in the editor preferences but it doesn't show the "Found in Config!" for the sdk path. However I hope you can look into it soon.


There was at least four big Android Studio updates since I made the feature.

If you want to get to it asap I recommend using JetBrains Toolbox and downloading the previous version, Chipmunk, there's simply no way I will be able to keep up with Google forever and desync will eventually happen - as it did now.


Ok thanks again for all the support, were do I should get all of this? Do you have any recommended links?
ps: also I think the manual should be a bit revisited in this case because maybe someone will download a new version of Android studio and have my same problem

edit: I've downloaded JetBrains Toolbox and looked for Chipmunk on it but I found nothing

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