Collapsing folders in the project tree makes it difficult organizing assets

Started by Gal Shemesh, Wed 23/08/2023 17:31:22

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Gal Shemesh

Hi everyone,

I tried searching for the keywords 'collapse project tree folders' but it didn't give any results. So posting this new thread in a question. If it was already asked or reported somewhere else then kindly direct me to the appropriate thread. Thanks in advanced! :)

It appears that the project tree has a behavior of auto-collapsing of folders while dragging assets around, which makes it quite difficult organizing things in the project tree panel.

If we create folders in the VIEWS or AUDIO sections, and then want to drag assets between folders in given section, all the expanded sub-folders of the same section, apart from the one that the asset is dragged into, get collapsed. Obligating you to re-expand the folder you were working in to keep dragging assets from it.

I mainly find it difficult when working with AUDIO assets, which I tend to change and wish to update them in the different AUDIO folders. Since there's no way of replacing or deleting multiple audio assets, it is needed to delete them one-by-one, which also collapes all the others folder but the one you delete the audio asset from. And if you organize your audio in a 'scene' manner and have many sub-folders this makes things even worse, as you need to re-dig into the bottom most one to reach the assets that you wish to delete for re-importing...

Is there something that can be done to bypass this?

I like the way that the new audio system in AGS works, especially the audio types which you can set with different properties and control individually. Though, I wish that I could manage my audio assets externally and not need to import them into AGS - I know that a huge amount of work has been invested into making the new audio system, and so I'm not saying this in a non-appreciated way.

Personally, I find that whatever assets that you can organize outside of the AGS editor is easier to manage. Because, if for example I modify an audio file or replace it altogether, the change automatically reflects in AGS, and there's no need to import anything into the editor and to manage the audio assets in both the local folder and the editor. Which makes organizing things easier in my opinion.

I'm just thinking aloud here. I really don't know what it involves to change such things in the editor. So I just bring this up, and would like to know how you guys work or prefer to work with your audio files - do you still use the old fashioned way of numbering your audio files in external folders on your computer and set AGS to play them, or do you use the new audio system and import your audio assets into AGS?
Gal Shemesh,

Crimson Wizard

If the folder behavior is countering the work, then this may be brought up as a problem, added to our bug tracker, and then someone who finds spare time will fix this eventually. Few similar problems have been fixed in the past.

Quote from: Gal Shemesh on Wed 23/08/2023 17:31:22I'm just thinking aloud here. I really don't know what it involves to change such things in the editor. So I just bring this up, and would like to know how you guys work or prefer to work with your audio files - do you still use the old fashioned way of numbering your audio files in external folders on your computer and set AGS to play them, or do you use the new audio system and import your audio assets into AGS?

These may be two options available now in practice (at least if working strictly in the Editor), but they are not the only possible options from the design perspective, and having external files don't prevent having a new audio system. Because the new audio system is not strictly in having to import audio by hand in the project tree, but in 1) giving meta data to audio items; 2) having OO-style script commands for audio, where audio items are referred to using script names rather than numbers.
There are several steps in managing of game assets, and they may be reviewed and redesigned separately.
To give a hypothetical example, we could have audio files of arbitrary names placed in a particular Audio folder, and have them automatically hooked up into the game, given script names based on their filenames.

Gal Shemesh

Thanks CW for the prompt reply and info. Really appreicate it.

I'd love to report this as a problem and much appreciate if this could be fixed. I also thing that it would be great to have an option to update the sound files from source, like we can do in the Sprites editor. But just saw that @Snarky already posted a feature request about this.

I've reported this now in the 'Editor Development' forum.
Gal Shemesh,

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Gal Shemesh on Wed 23/08/2023 18:29:29I'd love to report this as a problem and much appreciate if this could be fixed. I'd also add to this a suggestion for an option to update the sound files from source, like we can do in the Sprites editor, so it won't be required to delete and re-import the audio assets.

I must note that this is already added in 3.6.1 Beta.

But, it was supposed to not require to delete and re-import an audio. Editor is supposed to update the audio automatically when detecting a change to the source file, but that did not work at all times for some reason.

This was discussed here:

Gal Shemesh

Thanks CW! Just edited the latest message of mine while you posted yours, after seeing that @Snarky already reported a feature request there. :)
Gal Shemesh,

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