Help with homework from AGS Book.

Started by PanzerHans, Sun 03/09/2023 21:10:36

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Hello to all,

First need to say that i am a complete newbie when it comes to coding adventure games with AGS. I try to learn with help of book "Game desing with AGS" (second edition, v. 1.0). That book is pretty cool, explains the procedures very patiently and well. But at ends of some chapters there are "Homework" task. Now i get to end of chapter 1.5.5. (inventory items) where homeworks ask for making some things which i dont know how to do (throwing the stick), again i am a newbie :cry: If somebody in past get through this book, maybe was try wrote this part of code and save it for worse times :grin:  ? will be grateful if someone can show me that. Or is there any place (webpages/forums) where is this homeworks explained?  Thank you very much. (roll)


Perhaps you could write what it says in the book or give a screenshot, cause at the moment it's kinda hard to help. Is it the book that the guy that did the Ags tutorial videos did? I haven't read it, just watch those instead, even tho some of it is dated, you can still learn a lot from them!


Webpages of the book is:
Chapter 1.5.5 "Using inventory items" , almost entirely down on this page is "Homework" paragraph.

Author is Dave Ensminger. I look at youtube channel given by you and in information section is the author nickname @densming - so i think this is same author. Thanks for the tip! I must definitely see these videos and look for a solution to my code.


Is this about making the object move across the screen? Why not just ask us how to do that?
All you need is a blocking Object.Move() call.

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