How to add a dialogue after NPC animation

Started by Nos Energy Man, Fri 05/05/2023 19:49:37

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Nos Energy Man


I am new to this AGS but I've come pretty far I can go from room to room ,I did a bunch of hotspots etc but I finally got stuck on something I just can't figure out.

I have a character who blinks his eyes ever 8 seconds or so. I got him to blink but after he blinks I'd like to post a message saying "Did that statue just blinks his eyes?" And then have the game continue until the statue blinks and keep doing this. I can't figure it out. I've tried everything. I may just be too angry right now to do it correctly....

Sorry if someone else has asked this. If they have could you direct me to the answer? Thanks

Nos Energy Man


Add the repeatedly execute event to the room, then put something like this inside the function:

Code: ags
  if (cStatue.Frame == 5) SetTimer(1, 20);
  if (IsTimerExpired(1)) player.SayBackground("Did that statue just blinks his eyes?");

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