Padlocked (solved)

Started by jwalt, Sat 28/10/2023 03:52:44

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Downloaded 3.6.0 the other day and playing with it. Had been working as expected, until trying to delete some objects. Couldn't get the properties window to list objects and clicking on the object failed to bring it up. Tried uninstalling/reinstalling. No real change, but thanks for keeping what I'd been playing with! Tried a new game, and much the same. Right clicking doesn't even show the sprite marking the default object.

Using the Bass template. I'm also seeing some kind of odd padlock mouse cursor, from time to time. Have I accidentally locked myself out?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: jwalt on Sat 28/10/2023 03:52:44Using the Bass template. I'm also seeing some kind of odd padlock mouse cursor, from time to time. Have I accidentally locked myself out?

The Room Editor now has ability to hide and lock particular objects and whole layers. Bring up "objects" dropdown list from the navigation bar on top, and check the "lock" button.

See the screenshots in this article for the reference:


That was quick, thanks. For some reason it still won't open the properties for the objects. Did a quick check, and it looks like the Sierra template works as expected. I'd only put three objects in the Bass room, but I've swapped out the image for one of them several times now. Guess I'll use Sierra style? Looks like I've buggered up Bass, somehow. I did understand the padlock bit you sent.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: jwalt on Sat 28/10/2023 04:25:58That was quick, thanks. For some reason it still won't open the properties for the objects. Did a quick check, and it looks like the Sierra template works as expected. I'd only put three objects in the Bass room, but I've swapped out the image for one of them several times now. Guess I'll use Sierra style? Looks like I've buggered up Bass, somehow.

Could you send the non-working project to me? I don't remember hearing of this happening before.


I'll keep playing with it, since I well may have done something wrong. Since you don't recall anyone else having the problem, I don't want to waste your time. You do more than enough and have for quite a while. IF I discover anything, I'll try to let you know. Meanwhile, I'll work with the Sierra style.


Figures... I'm using some of the RON assets, and I had some things I didn't like about the background image. Modified the background enough to please me, and went back to the Bass game, since I had some characters doing things. Swapped out the background, and now everything seems to be working as it should. I guess I'll mark this as solved. Don't know what I did? But it had to be my fault.

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