Start a timer if the player does nothing (SOLVED)

Started by PERXEO, Mon 22/05/2023 20:28:19

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I'd like to make a timer so that only when the player is standing still for a series of cycles, it could trigger a nice action like saying something, or scratching or looking at the clock. Something like
Code: ags
     if (IsTimerExpired(1)) 
       player.Say("I'm getting bored");
        ,,,,any other action....

but I don't know where to place it and how to make it work correctly...

Crimson Wizard

Characters already have a "Idle View" mechanic that practically does that, you could use that directly, or use a "dummy" idle view to trigger your code. Set a "idle view" and configure "idle delay" for a character. Then in "repeatedly_execute" test whether idle view had started, and do your thing.

Code: ags
function repeatedly_execute()
    if (player.View == player.IdleView) {
         // your actions

Relevant articles in the manual:


Without the idle mechanic you could do this:

Code: ags
int idleFrames;

  // inside on_mouse_click
  idleFrames = 0;

  // inside repeatedly_execute
  if (idleFrames >= GetGameSpeed() * 10) ... // 10 seconds idling

This works because during a blocking interaction like examining something, rep_ex doesn't run, so the timer will correctly start to run again as soon as the game returns to idling.

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