[SOLVED] Walk-behind baseline lower than screen height?

Started by brushfe, Mon 02/10/2023 13:27:16

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I'm getting back to AGS after many years, so this may be an obvious question!

When my characters walk to the bottom edge of the screen, there's a 'transition walk': Input is disabled, they automatically walk down until they're totally offscreen, then the room changes.

But when this happens near a Walk-Behind, they appear on top of the walk-behind, because their Y coordinate is lower than the screen height.

I can't seem to set the walkbehind baseline lower than that, so I'm not sure how to fix this.

I appreciate your help!


In the properties at the right, with the walkbehind selected, does typing there the baseline directly with a bigger number than room height, can you tell me if this works?


Hey! I really appreciate the quick reply! And yes, that solved it!

Thanks so much!


You could also write SetWalkBehindBase(ID,value); It's good to know. Forexample if you walkbehind something momentarely and then want to change it back. You can do that with a Region WalkOnto and reset the SetWalkBehindBase there, forexample leaving a room walking thru a door. And then when you re-enter the room you want it reset again, so the player doesnt get invisible once he's near the door. You go the same SetWalkBehindBase in Roomload() forexample


That's a great approach too! Being able to do this dynamically really opens some doors for the room design. Thanks very much for this and the example!

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