The Night Falls - A Community Roleplaying Game

Started by WHAM, Mon 22/08/2022 20:45:36

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Ian Aloser

> Check the platform for a possible hatch to the private room below
> Remove the pile of firewood


> Check the platform for a possible hatch to the private room below
+1 but expand it to the entire roof.


> Check the platform for a possible hatch to the private room below.

You climb fully up to the roof and enter the narrower structure up top, which provides you with some shelter from the rain. The platform, on closer inspection, is an odd thing. It appears to be a slab of stone of some kind, sitting atop metal supports. The four sides of the stone slabs are smooth, while the top is covered with a generous pile of firewood. The metal supports are bolted into smooth concrete and appear to provide no access whatsoever.

A dead end.

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Search the roof to see if there are any other points of access other than the hatch you just came in through.


Ian Aloser

> Climb down the ladder and try to open the door to the private room using brute force


> Climb back down and enter the office

Maybe we can find a key there?


Oh, come on, we all know that the first thing we would do as adventure game players is light that fire and see what happens!


Ian Aloser

> Climb back down and enter/search the office



> Climb back down and enter/search the office

The rooftop, strange as it is with its odd firewood pile, doesn't seem like a worthwhile place to spend time in. No treasure in sight, nor anything that might really qualify as a secret nor a mystery. The harsh rain beating down on your raincoat doesn't help, either. You climb down the ladder and close the hatch above you, then head down to the door Shoshana entered before you.

Raindrop still drips off you as you enter the office. It seems like a rather functional space with a rather fancy desk, some assorted books on shelves, as well as what appears to be some sort of miniature model of the surrounding areas. Several locations are marked to be of interest, seemingly denoting development projects that are or have been active in the region.

Shoshana seems intensely focused on a doorway. Hearing your approach she turns to look your way.

"I found a mystery!" -she declares cheerfully, as she taps her hand on what appears to be a smooth, featureless pane of glass that covers the entire doorway without any indication of a handle, hinge or mechanism in sight. "And I think there might even be treasure! And, like, candles and stuff!"

Quote from: Mandle on Fri 12/05/2023 15:31:11Is this over? WHAM?

No, I've just been preoccupied with far too many distractions for my own good! Apologies for that.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game



> Look at the model
> Look at  the paintings
> Look at  the doorway that's blocked by glass
> Look at  the books
> Look at  the object on the shelf that is in a glass jar or something
> Search the desk carefully paying close attention to anything that may trigger the glass blocking the doorway
> Ask Shoshana if she would have happened to find a key by any chance
> Search the filing cabinet in case a key might be hidden in there


> Search the desk carefully
> Look at  the object on the shelf that is in a glass jar or something



Ian Aloser

> Search the desk carefully
> Check if our formidable multi-tool has a glass cutter and if yes, cut a passage into the pane
> > Look at  the object on the shelf that is in a glass jar or something

( there's only 3 suggestions allowed, isn't it)


Bah! I feel awful for not updating something proper, so I'll have to write SOMETHING here to keep you folks up to date.

Back when I started this I had a plan to try and update twice a week, which seemed feasible. I had plenty of free time after work and making new rooms to explore took a couple hours per room at most, which I felt I could surely pull off once a week if need be. As you've all noticed, however, that isn't happening.

I've had some changes in my health, work and personal life that are demanding more of my time and leaving me with less free time all around. What time I have left I try to invest in seeing friends and relatives and being more active socially and less online. As such I haven't had a chance to partake in the fortnightly writing contests, MAGS, this game, nor my personal game development projects. Windows updates also forced me to change my pixel art creation software back in spring (RIP Paint Shop Pro 9 I pirated back in 2007) and I'm massively struggling with things that used to be quick and easy for me.

I have plenty of ideas on where this game might be going and the story of us and Shoshana is still young, but with how slow things are going it feels wrong to say this game is still "active". I could keep things going if I changed this to more of a text adventure with less visual elements, but that doesn't feel in line with what I hoped to provide you folks.

Time will tell how things develop on my end and if more free time and energy will manifest, allowing me to be more active in the AGS community again.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


Take your time, @WHAM, and if you want to return to this somewhere down the line, we will appreciate it. If not, we appreciate what you have given, and you don't owe us a thing. All the best wishes.

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