Fortnightly Writing Competition: FEAST WITH THE BEAST! Results

Started by Baron, Sat 24/12/2022 03:46:21

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Quote from: Mandle on Sun 15/01/2023 14:05:02All good points. Could The Divine Comedy be split into separate volumes in the library? Could this be the Dante from just the Hell volume?

I mean, it's technically possible, of course, but I don't see why it would be. (I had a quick look in my edition (german, but it's verse, so the number of lines and therefore the length of the book should be the same in most languages) and each part is about 150 pages long, with an additional about 150 pages of notes, so that's all in all 544 pages long. There's really no reason to seperate this in three volumes of 150 pages each.)

But in the end, you could obviously write it into your story that this Dante is indeed just from the hell-part, but you would need to mention it.

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