The Night Falls - A Community Roleplaying Game

Started by WHAM, Mon 22/08/2022 20:45:36

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>If the lock can't be picked, break it with the tire iron.
>open the gate, then drive to the tall structure, looking for signs of Shoshana along the way.


> Take tire iron

You pick up the cross-shaped tire iron. It feels cold and heavy in your hand.
Lacking a backpack or any other solid method of carrying the thing, you decide to keep it in your hand for now. You feel a little safer than you did a moment ago. In case a horde of angry ducks rushes you, you might stand a chance now!

> Inspect the fence and gate

You move away from Soshana's car and approach the fence and gate to inspect them. The gate is a simple metal bar on a pivot, locked in place with an equally simple padlock. It doesn't look very challenging to pick or even break.

The fence itself seems designed to diver wildlife, like deer or foxes, away. It's quite climbable for a human and there is no barbed wire or any other visible nastiness. It's probably not electrified either. Probably.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


@WHAM Would you like me to move the thread over to the Adventure Related board? It's an adventure game after all, and it might be noticed by more people over there.

I don't think there is a point in breaking the padlock. We could just pass under the bar and enter whatever there is behind. I see two options for now:

> 1) Go back in the car, grab a coffee at the rest stop and go home. Adventure over.

> 2) Turn off your car's headlights and enter the area behind the gate.

Ian Aloser

> Turn off your car's headlights and engine and enter the area behind the gate
> Clean up the mess
> Carefully approach the tall structure
Come on Folks !!
We've been pussyfooting around that wimpy gate while our sister might be in danger !
Where did all your adventurer's spirit go ?
@cat : Good idea


Quote from: cat on Wed 02/11/2022 17:24:25@WHAM Would you like me to move the thread over to the Adventure Related board? It's an adventure game after all, and it might be noticed by more people over there.

I don't mind where the thread is located. To me it seems like a shared activity, so the competitions & activities board seemed logical. This is also where past projects of similar nature were located. If you think it'd be better somewhere else, feel free to move it around.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


If you are happy with the current location, there is no need to move it :)


>Turn on your headlamp
>Turn off your car's headlights and engine and enter the area behind the gate
>Also make sure both your car and your sister's car are all locked back up.
>Carefully approach the tall structure



Quote from: mkennedy on Thu 03/11/2022 10:06:00>Turn on your headlamp
>Turn off your car's headlights and engine and enter the area behind the gate

>Also make sure both your car and your sister's car are all locked back up.
>Carefully approach the tall structure

Alternate choice:
>Estimate the distance to the tall structure and ask "would it be quicker to open the gate and drive there or would it be better to approach on foot?"


> Turn off your car's headlights and enter the area behind the gate

You step back to your car, reach in through the open door and turn the ignition off, as well as turn the knob to turn off the lights. You pocket your car keys to be safe, after you close and lock the driver side door. That's better.

With your car secure you walk to the gate and easily hop over it, landing in the wet gravel on the other side. Ahead of you the open ground, seemingly all gravel, extends for what looks like a little over a hundred meters, though in the weather the tall structure ahead seems further away.

> Turn on your headlamp

You grab the headlamp from your pocket, strap it to your head and press the nice, clicky and waterproofed button to turn it on. It casts a beam of illumination ahead of you, allowing you to feel more confident in your step as you move over the gravel surface.

> Carefully approach the tall structure

You start to walk towards the structure in the distance. As you get a little closer you start to better make out its shape and curious colouring, seemingly consisting of alternating squares of dark and light colours.

Then, from the darkness, a bright light flashes your way and waves side to side a few times before going dark again.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


>Signal back with the signal you and Shoshana use. Then turn off headlight and approach.


Ian Aloser

>Signal back with the signal you and Shoshana use. Then turn off headlight and approach.
>Carefully check the coloured tiles
>Carefully check the blinking device


>Signal back with the signal you and Shoshana use. Then turn off headlight and approach.


Quote from: cat on Tue 08/11/2022 07:58:07Oh, we forgot to close her trunk  :(
Yeah, locking her car back up was only suggested by me.

>Signal back with the signal you and Shoshana use. Then  turn off headlight and approach.
+2 (though it may not be such a good idea to turn off our only source of light)
> If the  proper response isn't given then ready the tire iron just in case,


>Try shining the flashlight up to the top window and then switching it off for a moment... This looks like it could be a sequence puzzle to my expertly-honed adventure gaming skills that are gonna get us killed.


Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 07/11/2022 20:17:28>Signal back with the signal you and Shoshana use. Then turn off headlight and approach.


> Signal back with the signal you and Shoshana use. Then turn off headlight and approach.

You respond to the side-to-side wave of a light by tilting your head up and down, your beam of light bisecting the ghost-image of that light flash in your eyes. It's the way you used to spot and recognize one another as kids, back when you were spending time at the summer cabin and hiking in the woods with the family. With a click of a button you turn off your headlamp once more and walk across the flat, even ground until you reach the tall building ahead.

It has gotten very dark. You can no longer make out the shades of fading red in the distant sky, as clouds drown out what little light remains.

A familiar figure, clad in a raincoat quite similar to your own, awaits you under a narrow awning that provides some cover from the rain, with a box of tools sitting on the ground beside her.

"I was almost getting ready to go in on my own!" -Shoshana calls out, flashing a friendly smile your way. "Good to see you, sis. And, um- I'm really glad you came out. Wasn't quite sure you would, to be honest."

She looks like she's about to say something more, but instead she simply smiles your way.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Ask her what this place is and why she is trying to break into it.

Ian Aloser

> Ask her what this place is and why she is trying to break into it
> Carefully inspect entrance door *
> Tell my sister what I did so far (including the mess:-) )

I am so stupid ! I followed the game on my smartphone
and the pics were so dark, i could hardly recognize anything.
Then I downloaded them and increased the brightness just to discover
that this is some kind of watchtower....

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