The Night Falls - A Community Roleplaying Game

Started by WHAM, Mon 22/08/2022 20:45:36

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> Look
>examine book in display case
Hopefully it's not the dreaded Necronomicon and won't summon a bunch of deadites.


> Continue our crazy dance by swinging the tire iron and smashing the glass in front of the definitely not cursed book in the bookcase, and then gape at our sister comically and say "OOPS!!!" with our hand over our mouth and eyes wide.


> Look

You settle down and suppress the urge to keep dancing and putting on a show. The urge is still there, though, just underneath the surface, never too far away. The fancy top hat is a constant reminder.

You appear to be in a rather cosy and welcoming sitting room, well suited for receiving guests in. The floor is carpeted from wall to wall and feels soft beneath your sneakers, leading you to feel a little guilty for bringing in mud from the outside. There are several framed pictures on the wall, along with a shelf that appears to display some prized objects. A cushy armchair and sofa await ahead. At the back there is also a window, though the outside is very dark so there isn't much to see out there.

A tall bookshelf stands beside you, holding a variety of books and a very lovely cat ornament that is supporting some of the books. A pair of cabinet doors over its lower third suggest potentially more books or objects within.

> Examine book in display case

You decide to examine that one book in particular, for it appears to stand out from the others. It sits in what appears to be a custom silver stand made for its dimensions, behind a protective sheet of crystal clear glass.  As you examine the book with its name pressed into its leather cover in silver characters, it becomes obvious that this tome is in a language you cannot understand. It appears very old and worn, however, and you have a feeling it's probably quite valuable based on age and appearance.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Open the cabinet to see what's inside.
> Look at the other books to see if they have anything in common that might give clues to the book in the case.
> Examine the display case to determine how best to open it.
> Examine the  cat ornament.
> Look at the shelf on the wall.

> Examine pictures
> Examine door
+1 to both these

Ian Aloser

> Open the cabinet to see what's inside.
> Look at the other books to see if they have anything in common that might give clues to the book in the case.
> Examine the display case to determine how best to open it.


> Say to our sister, "You can keep going after the safe. There's gotta be a matching cat bookend around this place somewhere, and I intend to find it and make off with the set! MUAHAHAHAHA!"



> Open the cabinet to see what's inside.

You pop open both of the cabinet doors, which put up no resistance. The pickings within are rather slim. Looks like there are some photo albums inside, a bunch of spare candles, a few rolled-up tablecloths, along with the missing cat bookend that matches the one up on the shelf, though this one appears to have suffered a fall at some point. Its tail has broken off!

> Look at the other books to see if they have anything in common that might give clues to the book in the case.

The books come off as posh and many of them seem so new and pristine that you wonder if they've ever been read at all. 'The Practice of Management', 'The Managerial Grid' and 'The Greatest Salesman in the World' look fairly old, but several other books are much newer and varied in topic, such as 'The Complete Guide to Business Etiquette', 'The Kalevala', 'Clear Body, Clear Mind', 'The Seven Wonders of the World Illustrated', 'Global Business Culture in the Modern World' and 'Buddha's Words'. Business and religion seem common topics and a copy of King James Bible sits proudly front and centre on one of the shelves.

> Examine the display case to determine how best to open it.

You look the glass display case up and down and come to an odd conclusion: there is no handle anywhere in sight, just a smooth, polished pane of glass. No holes or visible seams either, nor anything like a latch.

Shoshana has sat up again, seemingly eager to explore some more. "I'll head on upstairs and see if I can find an office or a bedroom or something like that, okay? If I was the mayor I wouldn't have my safe down here. This looks more like a place for guests and the like, not for secrets."

She seems to like secrets.

Sorry for this post being so late! This year has started way busier than I expected with both work and hobbies. The forums being down added maybe a day or two, but mostly this delay is up to me and my messy schedules.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Follow Shoshana to make sure she stays safe.
>See if the mu;titool has a glass cutter.


> Wipe away a tear from your eye over the broken cat bookend and follow along behind your sister.

Ian Aloser

>See if the multitool has a glass cutter
> Wipe away a tear from your eye over the broken cat bookend and follow along behind your sister.


> See if the multitool has a glass cutter.

You pull out the multitool to refresh your memory. There is a small set of sharp scissors and a pair of different knife blades, but those don't really cut it when it comes to cutting glass. The rest of the tools are various files, screwdrivers and such, as well as the thin metal shims and picks you've embedded into your thiefs tools.

> Wipe away a tear from your eye over the broken cat bookend and follow along behind your sister.

You pocket the tool and mourn the loss of a perfect ornament. So pure and sweet, taken from us too soon. A tear wells up in your eye but you wipe it away with your hand so as not to show the deep mental anguish you experience. Luckily for you Shoshana has already stepped out of the room so there is no witness.

You step through the door and find yourself in a stairwell going up. Based on the light and sounds of footsteps and doors opening and closing, Shoshana is already a level above you. It seems there are three levels in addition to the ground level you currently occupy. The ground floor has a single door you just entered through, while the second floor has three doors and the third and fourth floors have just one door each.

"Looks like a dining room and a kitchen up here." -Shoshana calls out in a loud whisper as she peers in through the doors. "I'll head on further up!"
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Go up the stairs, open the toilet door, and say, "Anyone in here taking a massive shit?" to make your sister laugh.

Ian Aloser

> Open all doors and check the rooms behind them while following Shoshana


Quote from: Ian Aloser on Thu 09/03/2023 10:35:57> Open all doors and check the rooms behind them while following Shoshana


> Open all doors and check the rooms behind them while following Shoshana

You steel yourself for a bit of calf muscle training and start heading up the stairs.

The first floor above the ground floor appears rather mundane and practical. A comfortable toilet awaits beyond the leftmost door. The one beside it leads to a relatively spacious dining room, at least considering the confines of the tower. The rightmost door leads into a functional kitchen.

One floor further up there appears to be only one door, which leads to a spacious office space well suited for work. It appears ornate and comfortable, but also utterly boring.

"I'll take a look inside!" -Shoshana declares, swiftly disappearing inside the office to snoop around.

Finally the topmost floor offers just a single door again, though this one appears to be locked quite sturdily. A plaque set in the wall beside the door simply reads "PRIVATE". The lock appears old-fashioned and alarmingly large to the point where you doubt your pocket-fitting multi tool and shims would provide sufficient pressure to operate its mechanism. Away from the door there appears to be a ladder leading up to a hatch in the ceiling. The hatch is also locked with a simple padlock.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game

Ian Aloser

> Pick the padlock of the hatch and check the roof for
a possible way to get into the private room


> Examine what seems to be a schematic or map on the wall of the top floor.


> Pick the padlock of the hatch and check the roof for a possible way to get into the private room
> Example what seems to be a schematic or map on the wall of the top floor.

Ask Shoshana if she would happen to have a key for the topmost door


> Examine what seems to be a schematic or map on the wall of the top floor.

You step over to the wall mounted map. It seems to be a rather old version of the general area map with a slightly narrower scope than the one in your pocket. It shows the nearby town of Autumnscreek and its surrounding areas. The area you are currently in is marked as a forested valley, though, with no road leading to it. The river through the woods, which you crossed earlier, appears to have been considerably wider and had no bridge across it, and a small lake appears to have been here, though that must have been dried out at some point since. A marking on the map indicates it as having been printed in 1957.

> Pick the padlock of the hatch and check the roof for a possible way to get into the private room.

The padlock is a cheap little thing and poses no resistance to your skilled hands and expert tools. A mere minute and it opens with a cheerful little click.
As you push open the hatch you squint your eyes as cold raindrops spray back down into your face despite the excellent top hat you are wearing.

The roof is the same square shape as the building itself, with a low wall around it. A smaller structure sits here, looking much like an unfinished frame of simple metal, with an open doorframe visible to allow easy access into the shadowy interior. The lack of solid walls causes the wind to spill rain inside. You can see some sort of elevated platform sitting in the middle of the structure with what appears to be firewood stacked on top of it.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Try to light the Beacons of Gondor! (can't remember what we have in inventory though)

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