The Night Falls - A Community Roleplaying Game

Started by WHAM, Mon 22/08/2022 20:45:36

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Most likely we don't know exactly what we're getting into and are here to let our sister tell us. I guess we will either be told or something has gone wrong and we'll be presented with problems as we go along.

Ian Aloser

>Say [sister's name], it's [my name].
+1 for this, too


> Perform a visual inspection of the surrounding area.

You arrive at what appears to be the end of the road for now. The road is closed off by a simple gate and what looks like a padlock glinting in the headlights. A simple wire fence extends out away from the gate, seeming more like a way to deter wild animals than to keep people from getting in, considering the simple nature of the road gate. It has gotten quite dark and the rain has not let up, limiting visibility considerably. Past the gate the road only seems to go on for a short bit, after which the landscape opens up to a wide open field that goes on for quite some time, though there is a tall structure up ahead, of which you can just make out the silhouette of.

> Get the pen from the glovebox.

You reach into the glovebox and slip the ballpoint pen into your pocket for safekeeping, then peer out the windows at the surrounding area.

> Approach and inspect the other car.

That other car looks familiar to you. Your sister wanted one just like yours when she got old enough to drive, but hers needed to be in red. She couldn't really afford one, but your parents helped her out and she got her way eventually, though from the look of things it hasn't been well tended to. Some bumps and scrapes and off-colour panels speak of both previously done repairs and much needed ones still pending. There doesn't seem to be anyone inside the car, though.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Look for footprints or other clues in the muddy grass on either side of the road.

Ian Aloser

> Look for footprints or other clues in the muddy grass on either side of the road
> Turn off my car's lights
> Search red car's trunk and interior (if accessible)


>Duck under the bar of the gate and walk towards the building.


> Search through my pockets to see if there is any useful lint.


>Find your location on the map and see if it says anything about the area or nearby buildings


Quote>Find your location on the map and see if it says anything about the area or nearby buildings

Quote> Look for footprints or other clues in the muddy grass on either side of the road

Quote> Search red car's trunk and interior (if accessible)



> Search red car's trunk and interior (if accessible)
Maybe by using your multi-tool and your expert lock-picking skill?


Quote from: mkennedy on Wed 28/09/2022 23:20:16> Search red car's trunk and interior (if accessible)
Maybe by using your multi-tool and your expert lock-picking skill?
Video games have taught me there's nothing a multi-tool can't do!


> Look for footprints or other clues in the muddy grass on either side of the road.

You peer out of the window of your car. The headlights provide you with a solid bit of visibility to the front of your car, but the darkness and rain don't help your cause. Despite your raincoat you're not all that keen on diving out into the weather to poke around in the dirt without clear instructions to EXIT your vehicle first.

The ground is uneven, the road you are on is gravel and the grass and soil appear mushy with the rain. It's impossible to make out any kinds of tracks, save for the depressions left by the car tyres of the two vehicles.

> Search red car's trunk and interior (if accessible)

You are quite certain you'd need to EXIT your car first to search the familiar-looking red car. Through the windows you can see a few loose pieces of trash on the dashboard of the red car, and you think the driver's sideview mirror might be held on by some duct tape.

> Turn off my car's lights

You reach down and flick the switch to turn off the lights of your car, plunging the surrounding area into sudden and near-complete darkness, as the heavy rainclouds block any suggestions of illumination from the sky above.

Good thing Grues aren't real. Ha-ha! ...right?

[offtopic]I am arbitrarily limiting the input to three commands of less per post, depending on situation, and as long as the commands do not contradict. If multiple commands have the same amount of votes, I will pick the one that was posted first among them.[/offtopic]
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


Turn lights back on, then exit car and inspect surroundings.


Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 30/09/2022 15:54:20> Turn lights back on, then exit car and inspect surroundings.
>Just remember to turn the lights back off before you leave.
>Also turn on your head lamp and look in the trunk of your own car after you get out.

Ian Aloser

>Use my high-end multi-purpose tool to convert my headlamp into night vision goggles
> Turn lights back on, then exit car and inspect surroundings


> Turn lights back on, then exit car and inspect surroundings.

You decide that seeing things is valuable, after all, and turn on the headlights on your car once more. They cast a beam of illumination across the open field ahead of you, and once more reveal the distant shape of a tall structure off in the distance. You unbuckle your seatbelt and crack open the driver side door.

The rain falling on your bright yellow raincoat is almost deafening at first, much more intense than it had been inside the muffled confines of the car. You close the car door so as not to let the seat get soaked by the rain, though you can still see the illuminated dashboard inside and hear the rumble of the idling engine.

You are surrounded by a field of felled trees. The grass and minor vegetation around the stumps has been seemingly flattened by heavy wind and rain. The road underneath your shoes is gravel and ahead of you the gravel seems to extend out into a broad field of the stuff, though the rain and darkness makes it difficult to be sure. You are quite sure the car parked beside your own must belong to your sister, though there is no immediate sign of her presence.

Introspective: You were always the calmer one, the more collected and organized in your actions. She was more rash and prone to not thinking ahead, so wandering off would not be unusual for her.

Being out here, in the storm, under the wide open sky, somehow makes you feel small and insignificant.

[offtopic]I evaded it for a long time, but Covid finally caught up with me and I've been running a high fever since monday, hence this post is a couple days later than I intended. I'll try to keep delays to a minimum, though.[/offtopic]
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> inspect sister's car. Try opening the doors and popping the trunk.

> call sister's name


Ian Aloser

> inspect sister's car. Try opening the doors and popping the trunk.

> call sister's name

> Carefully approach tall structure after turning off my car's engine and lights

My best wishes for a speedy recovery !

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