The Night Falls - A Community Roleplaying Game

Started by WHAM, Mon 22/08/2022 20:45:36

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> Inspect flattened area in case the cause isn't simply natural causes as you thought

> inspect sister's car. Try opening the doors and popping the trunk.

Hope you recover soon buddy!


> inspect sister's car. Try opening the doors and popping the trunk.
+3 If needed you can use the multi-tool and your lock picking skill to gain access.

Here's hoping you get well soon


>Try to walk boldly through the gate but bump into, and bounce slightly back off of, the metal pole across it several times at waist level before realizing it is an impassable obstacle.


> inspect sister's car. Try opening the doors and popping the trunk.

You step over to your sister's car and examine it. It's definitely familiar, and there is little mistaking the empty soda cans and other assorted trash that has accumulated in the footwells and on the passenger seats. There is definitely nobody inside, but she must be somewhere nearby. Despite having very little interest in the collection of trash visible through the windows, you tug on the door handles only to find the doors are firmly locked with relatively simple locks. For good measure you move to the back and test the trunk, but that is similarly locked.

> call sister's name

ERROR: uknown variable 'sister's name'. Please define a name.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game



>Try to pick the lock of the door.

It's a little extreme but the whole thing smells like a trap.

Ian Aloser

> Try to pick the lock of the door
I expand this to
> Pick the locks of the door and the trunk using my multi-tool
> Check my driver's license for holder's name


>Check ground for footprints or other signs of where Shoshana went.
>Hum the old Police song "Suzannah", which you always changed to "Shoshana" to tease your sister. You woild proceed to sing the entire song pronouncing every s like "sh", as if you had your mouth filled with food.


> Try to pick the lock of the door.

You pull out your trusty multitool, which you've customized out of old habit to make it looks bog standard at a glance, while containing a set of extra picks that you can pull out and use as needed, along with all the regular blades and such.

The relatively simple lock on the car door is easy enough to get through and the door pops open after just a couple minutes of tinkering.

The interior of the red car is much like your own, except far less tidy. Crumpled up soda cans litter the passenger side footwell, along with a bottle of brake fluid and a plastic jug of motor oil, and various bits of trash cover the dashboard and seats.

You feel a little guilty for breaking into your sister's car.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


>Check ground for footprints or other signs of where Shoshana went.
>Pick the lock of the trunk
>See if the any of the trash is suitable to write on. If so then write your sister a note apologizing for breaking into her car.


> Look inside your sister's glove compartment.


> Look inside your sister's glove compartment.

> Pick the lock of the trunk (or just "pop the trunk", since we're in the car now)


>Check if the car's keys are in the slot.

Ian Aloser

> Pick the lock of the trunk (or just "pop the trunk", since we're in the car now)
>Check ground for footprints or other signs of where Shoshana went.
> Look inside your sister's glove compartment.


> Look inside your sister's glove compartment.

You reach into Soshana's car and open the glove compartment. There is a single piece of paper on it, which looks a lot like a speeding ticket. Besides that, there is only a small carboard box for lightbulbs for the car's headlights.

> Check ground for footprints or other signs of where Shoshana went.

You examine the ground. It's not easy to see anything clearly, as the gravel does not take up footprints very well. As for the dips in the mushy grass, you're not sure if any of the watery depressions are fresh, but there are several scattered all around.

> Pop the trunk.

You consider showing off your lockpicking skills again, but decide that doing the same sort of lock a second time in ten minutes and with no audience around is not worth your time or effort. You tug on the trunk release latch and step back to inspect the contents. Inside you find a tire iron and a bunch of bolts scattered on the floor of the trunk, another plastic jug of motor oil, and a large black trash bag that has been tied shut.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


>Carefully open the the trash bag and hope it does not contain anything bad.

Ian Aloser

>Carefully open the the trash bag and hope it does not contain anything bad.
>Take tire iron
WOW! NICE! A weapon and a pry bar !
>Check my driver's license for holder's name


> Carefully open the the trash bag and hope it does not contain anything bad.

The black bag is shiny and glistens with the raindrops falling over it beneath the open lid of the trunk. You reach down to the bulging sack to find it feels cool to the touch and somewhat soft, despite looking rather bulging and stuffed. Carefully you peel open the pieces of tape holding its mouth shut.

The wind picks up and scatters pieces of paper that look like cheap paper towels from a dispenser all around you. You'd sensed a faint smell of motor oil before, but now the stench truly makes itself known, forcing you to turn your head and draw a deep breath before the wind disperses the stench. The papers that flew out are all soiled with dark brown and black stains to some degree, while most of them seem so completely soaked that they are too heavy for the wind to actually move.

The escaped papers do not make it far as the rainwater soaks them and pins them to the gravel or grass.

Hopefully someone will clean this mess up.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Pending removal to memory hole. | WHAMGAMES proudly presents: The Night Falls, a community roleplaying game


> Take tire iron

> Take plastic jug

> Inspect the fence and gate

Ian Aloser

> Take tire iron
> Clean up the mess
Come on guys ! This game deserves more participants


> Inspect the fence and gate
> Examine the lock on the gate to determine whether it can be picked.
> See if you kind find the source of your sister's oil leak and whether it is something that you can fix with your multi-tool

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