METRO CITY: Night Shift

Started by Rik_Vargard, Wed 01/11/2023 23:51:36

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[Enter Name] has grown up in the orphanage of Metro City, capital of planet Antoryos, and thus has been given a role to participate in society by becoming a police officer.
with police academy friend Darcy they choose to patrol at night because of the ambient created by the lights of the city.



Congratulations on the release! Finishing a game is always a great achievement no matter if it's your first game or if you're a veteran developer. I'll definitely download and try it out sometime soon! Don't forget to add it to the AGS database as well!
J. They/them. Here are my most recent games:


Fantastic! I'm gonna try it as soon as possible! Great job, now work on my game so i can finish it, kidding  :-D


Quote from: RootBound on Thu 02/11/2023 12:41:14Congratulations on the release! Finishing a game is always a great achievement no matter if it's your first game or if you're a veteran developer. I'll definitely download and try it out sometime soon! Don't forget to add it to the AGS database as well!

Hey thanks @RootBound, it is something indeed !  (nod)

I tried to add my game to the AGS database but for some reason it doesn't seem to work, I started a post about it HERE

Quote from: AndreasBlack on Thu 02/11/2023 14:40:16Fantastic! I'm gonna try it as soon as possible! Great job, now work on my game so i can finish it, kidding  :-D

Haha hey thanks @AndreasBlack I hope you'll have fun!  :P


A download link to the AGS Database has been added > AGS DATABASE

(Thanks RootBound)


Congratulations on the release! I was impressed by the demo, looking forward to playing the full game.  (nod)


Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 02/11/2023 16:33:23Congratulations on the release! I was impressed by the demo, looking forward to playing the full game.  (nod)
Hey thanks @heltenjon ! I really hope you'll have fun playing it  :P


Hello Rik!

First of all congratulations on the release!

I love the city lights and the nocturnal technopolis atmosphere. You've got me intrigued by the story by giving me bits and pieces of the still obscured whole. The transition animations are very cool! I've enjoyed the puzzles so far very nicely. I think the first combat sequence was a bit overwhelming with the moving camera and John joining the fight. I felt like the time that I was actually playing was just a fragment of the overall sequence. The hacking minigame on the other hand is pretty neat, it's fast paced but clear.

I've encountered two bugs:

After the first combat I walked to the end of the alley behind the hospital and the player character went down to the boiler room where the first fight takes place. There were John and a Secubot in battle stance ready to rumble and I could walk around them. This would have been a minor bug, but when I climbed the ladder back up the player character would immediately turn around and go back again, so I was trapped down there. Good thing I had a save just before I made the mistake.

The second bug happened when I was on my way to Alexander's house the second time and I got stuck on handling the SecuBot going to and fro in front of the house. Without taking care of the bot I just started hacking the front door and managed to get in, but when I go to the TV room there's no John or cutscene or anything. And I was trapped again 'cause I couldn't leave the house either.
What is Palace Cheese?
A dodge move in Romanian swordplay.



Hey MIGGO, thank you for playing my game. :)

Also thanks a lot for your feedback, I understand that you just didn't get to that important moment because you made a run for it, at the house.  (laugh)
I'm sorry for that and I uploaded the new version with both bugs fixed.

BUG Feedback:

BUG 1:

This one is a weird and tricky one. That's a bug I had back then when working on it. And then I fixed it. Because I tested that alley behind the hospital a lot, just because of that. So, the bug that you have shouldn't happen.
I downloaded the game as if I was a player, you know, and again and again I tested it but never had this bug again.
Makes me wonder if there's some other data saved when you save the game.  ???
So while I can't really test it, I disabled that "region" where one would be that would cause that problem. Technically a blind bug fix  :P 

BUG 2:

I didn't think of someone who would go for the front door with the HACKit tool as active inventory, so now it's not possible any more. (laugh)
You now have to get rid of the SecuBot before you can hack the door. This will trigger the variables that will allow you to continue the game as intended, and let you get to "that moment"  :)


Started playing it and am enjoying it so far!

One bug:
After you get the safe open and take out the items, if you leave the room and come back you can get the items a second time. For example, I gave the phone to Inspector Ludd, then went back and opened the safe and got the phone back. I now have two of Alex's keycard and two of the potions as well.

Also, I might need a hint:
I opened the safe but can't find a battery or wires for the SecuBot. I found the InstaCharger but nothing else. Am I forgetting to look somewhere? None of the other inventory items seem useful, either...
J. They/them. Here are my most recent games:


Hey @RootBound Thank you for playing my game, I'm happy you're enjoying it so far. :)

Too late today here to get into that bug report but thank you very much !! (Also, why would someone do what you did?! (laugh))

But I can give you that hint :

If, in the house, you go to the room that's down left (with the wardrobe), next to the wardrobe, on the ground (when hovering with your mouse), you will find some scratches on the ground that you will have to "Look At".


Thank you for making it!

I forgot to mention about BUG 1 that I...
left the alley and acquired the hacking tool and when I came back I encountered the bug. Not immediately after the encounters.

Now that I think of it, this might be important in trying reproduce the bug. Though it seems you already took action.  (nod)

What is Palace Cheese?
A dodge move in Romanian swordplay.


Thanks for the hint! I had seen the right detail but had neglected to do the right interaction with the hotspot for some reason.

Two bugs:

First, if you try to save while the inventory window is open, the save window appears behind the inventory window, so you can't choose which save file to use.

Second: In the police station parking garage, the walk-behind does not seem to cover the whole police car, so you can walk in front of it even though you're behind it (see below):

J. They/them. Here are my most recent games:


Alright all the bugs have been fixed & files are uploaded!

Thanks guys again for the feedback, much appreciated


Ian Aloser

Sorry Rik for replying so late.
I really appreciate this little jewel, but have found
2 more bugs/flaws :
You can open the safe as many times as you want and therefore improve your score :-)
Same thing with the box behind the storage room...
Nothing gamebreakin, though, I suppose.
And as a sign of gratitude you could give me a hint where I can find the wires,
I hovered the mouse over every pixel :-))
Very nice game, indeed !


Hey @Ian Aloser, thank you for the feedback. I'm really happy you had a good time playing the game!  (nod)

I already fixed the safe, but now I have to go check that box! Yeah, nothing breaking the game, thx for that (laugh)

For the wires, it depends where you are in the game.
Are you at the first investigation at the house, looking for Alexander who's missing?
If so, take the elevator (where you found the box) and then interact with the panel to find the wires.

If you are further in the game (and the panel is already open from earlier), let me know; I don't want to spoil if you're at the beginning :)

Ian Aloser

Hi Rik:
I really like this game and I deleted my old save games
and downloaded the latest patch. I am afraid I have discovered
a severe bug in the latest version after starting from scratch:
When I am in Alexander's house for the first time,I tried to open
the safe, but didn't enter the correct password.
When I return to the bedroom,there is no way to interact with the safe anymore.
So I have to ask Ludd for help, therefore losing Scorepoint(s).
I guess it has to do with looking at all labels of the pictures, I did that,
but now I cannot proceed because Ludd needs more infos.
No way to interact with the safe anymore, strange....
And maybe another flaw: When I am at Alexander's house for the second time and I don't have the mine,
there is no way of returning to the hospital area to open the door with the room that contains the mine....
And I was sure the mine would help me to get rid of the bot, but I cannot use it on the bot.
However, when I click on the bot with the hand symbol, I get the message : " The mine did the job" and yet I get arrested...
I finally did figure out though how to get rid of the bot,....
And one more thing: I have a lot of saved games, but only the last 9 are visible in tne load screen,
can't find out how to scroll down, maybe it has to do with the resolution, i don't know...

Sorry for bothering you, but this nice game is worth it !



Hey @Ian Aloser, you're not bothering me, on the contrary.
You're feedback is very important to me and makes my game better.
So thank you for that.
It is I who am sorry for the inconvinience  :-[

About the save games, yeah, that's how big I did draw the panel; I didn't think that one would use that many saves.  :)
Best I could do right now is arrange the things a little, which should give you places for three or so more saves.

Fixed the bugs, latest version now online:

Damnit, fix one bug and two appear!  :-\

Well those have been fixed now.
- If you arrive for the second time at the house and don't have the mine, you can now take the car back to look for it.
- Fixed the "interact" problem with the bot.
- If you put the wrong code for the save and exit and then come back, the safe will work now.

And I'm very happy you like my game, it's a great feeling, thanks for sharing that.(nod)

Ian Aloser

Hey Rik,
Nice to know that these were flaws, not me being stupid :-)
At the moment I am totally stuck with
Hacking the door code at Alex's house, I just don't get the logic behind it
And : Can you tell me how you created the animation sequences of the car in the city?


Quote from: Ian Aloser on Thu 09/11/2023 18:16:16At the moment I am totally stuck with
Hacking the door code at Alex's house, I just don't get the logic behind it

That's a strange question for me, because:

- If you're trying to hack Alex's door it means
- You got rid of the Secubot which means
- You got rid of it thanks to the mine which means
- You hacked the door that led to the room where you can find the mine.

It's the same minigame for both doors, but with a different difficulty.

I just want to be sure we're talking about the same thing here?


And everything car animations I created with Blender  :)

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