Murran Chronicles 3 - Lifedrinker

Started by Cogliostro, Tue 27/09/2011 15:33:51

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Okay, wandered around town.  Talked to all the witnesses.  Talked to everyone I could find.  I know about the foxglove, the green mist, the murders, and the goats.  I haven't found a single thing to pick up or any evidence. 

I tried to follow the green mist, but I can't "walk around the fence" like the comments state.  I go to the screen to either side and there is no fence and no lake.  Checked out the pond in the Mobley backyard.  Nothing.  Check out the end-all-be-all garden behind the pub.  Nothing.

In one sense, it seems like a real criminal investigation.  Pound the pavement.  Talk to witnesses.  Hope to stumble across a clue.  But now I'm just repeating myself.  And the supernatural clue I did find, I can't seem to follow up on.

Can I get a hint?

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


You can find a KM pick(I think it's called something like that). It is located somewhere near that abandoned building I think(I'm not sure is it abandoned factory but it looks like one!). And that's a clue towards the investigation. I didn't have time to play more yesterday when I played it, but I think that will help you progress the case(I'm not sure).


Indeed it does!  Some evidence can be found at the warehouse.

Check the cracks in the pavement for the pick.
Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


Okay, I have access to a florist, a gardener, and three gardens, yet I still cannot find any roses.

Can someone give me a hint?

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


You can find them closer than you think :-)

In your own hotel-room.
Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


Yes, like Leon pointed out there.

I didn't want it to be brain-deadeningly simple to get the roses (like talking to a florist).  And being as how Gary is very "metal", with the black eyeliner and spiked hair, I figured that rose would be more 'his style'.

Oh, and the rationalle behind the missing piece of evidence mentioned earlier in this thread (not mentioning it by name because it would be a spoiler), that abandoned warehouse is where one of the bodies was found.  Looks like the local police missed an important piece of evidence.



Bill - 

That's a good touch for Gary.


Stuck in the caves.  Got past Clef.  Wander aimlessly.  Anytime I accidentally backup I repeat the conversation with Clef.  What's the path through the maze?  Or is there somethign I'm supposed to do?

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


Quote from: Cogliostro on Tue 27/09/2011 18:38:30
Bill -  

That's a good touch for Gary.


Stuck in the caves.  Got past Clef.  Wander aimlessly.  Anytime I accidentally backup I repeat the conversation with Clef.  What's the path through the maze?  Or is there somethign I'm supposed to do?


It isn't random, there is a specific way you're supposed to do this puzzle:

Tip 1:
Remember Cliona telling you the story of Oisis in her shop?

There is a picture in her shop, on the wall, which might shed some light on this.  It tells the story of Oisis, and his traversing the Path to the Land of Youth.

The picture on the wall has red letters for the beginnings of each word.  These correspond to the path through the maze.  U = up, D = Down, R = Right, L = left.

Step-By-Step Instructions:
Right, Right, Down, Right, Up, Up, Right, Up, Left, Left, Left, Up, Right, Up.

I will go back and look at Gary's scripting.  He shouldn't be in the cave after the initial conversation with him.  You might've found a glitch that made it past the beta testers and myself.

**EDIT** - Yup, you sure did.  I fixed the script and put another new version online.  Thanks!




Time for the big prison break...


Stuck in the tile room.  Turned off red shield.  Teleported across room.  Cannot open doors.  Can't use the "Far Hands" to bend the bars.  The side tunnels are apparently *NOT* tunnels.  I've tried to teleport to them and tried to walk to them.  Nothing.  Tried various combinations of sunshield, dash across tiles, and then teleport before I get fried, just to see what happens.  Still stuck.


Can I get a hint?

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


You're thinking on too grand of a scale.  Get back to basics.

Do you have anything in your inventory that might help?

Stronger Hint:
Did you thoroughly explore your cell?  Maybe a previous tenant lost something...

Spoiler Hint Part 1:
Check the hay bail in your cell more than once.

Spoiler Hint Part 2:
When you look at your new jewelry, it says it is basically falling apart.  Use it to finish the job.

Step-By-Step Spoiler:
Use the pile of hay in your cell 3 times.  Then Use the brooch you find.  You'll get a set of pins.  Use the pins to pick the lock on the door.





I think you're just one step before that. There is a location where you can go.
The dark tile in front of the left gate. Teleport yourself to this spot and then follow Bill's hints.
Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


Quote from: Leon on Wed 28/09/2011 11:28:18

I think you're just one step before that. There is a location where you can go.
The dark tile in front of the left gate. Teleport yourself to this spot and then follow Bill's hints.

Actually, you can go to the left or right one. :)



I can't even get the first part. I think the colours should be
Green, White, Orange?. Given I found hints in the west, east and middle?
Being colourblind... :( What is the sequence of colours starting from black please?

Took me ages to download and I don't want to stop on the first screen.


Wait a sec...  Are you saying that when you begin the game the very first room you're in is the cave  puzzle room?  

If so I might've left in a debug thng from the last fix I had to do...  Let me know.

I will be back on my pc in about 20 mins and can get you the panel code by clicks.




TassieDevil, I am so sorry...  You are going to hate me...

The version you downloaded was broken.  I accidentally left that auto-skip portion in there jumping to a later point in the game while troubleshooting something.  (Fix-file is attached below without needing an entire re-download of the game, so don't worry.)

You aren't supposed to begin there.  But you DID solve the puzzle, the colors.  Sorry I didn't take color blindness into account when making the puzzle :(  To solve it, click the following:


Left Block : 3 Times
Middle Block : 2 Times
Right Block : 3 Times

Now, to fix the problem, and begin the game normally, please download the .exe file and overwrite the existing one.  Sorry again for the confusion :(

Fixed .exe file for bugged v1.10 version (8mb) : Click here for fix-file.



Quote from: poc301 on Wed 28/09/2011 19:46:58
TassieDevil, I am so sorry...  You are going to hate me...

Fixed .exe file for bugged v1.10 version (8mb) : Click here for fix-file.



I downloaded that new exe and I got through the game alright until I hit the caves again :(
There was a hint about directions... I got to the point where you have to take 3 left turns. The first one after coming up is ok, the next is a long one and the character stops in front of the last left opening. It is not a dead end for sure; cave dead ends finish with a curvy wall.


PS: Nice game otherwise!


Hmmm... Not sure what to tell you about that.  The path through is there and is working.  Maybe you went one too many screens or something?  Nobody else has gotten stuck on it.  There is a difinitive path through.




i need some help, i think i am near the end of the game because i'm fighting

the general of the unseelie court

But the problem is this one. I don't know what to do after

i gave him back the stone he wanted to use to crush me

I tried almost everything and i keep dying. Any hint please ?


Are anyone make a walkthrough please.
I think Leon are too busy to make walkthroughs for his website !


Quote from: frederic09 on Fri 30/09/2011 12:04:12
i need some help, i think i am near the end of the game because i'm fighting

the general of the unseelie court

But the problem is this one. I don't know what to do after

i gave him back the stone he wanted to use to crush me

I tried almost everything and i keep dying. Any hint please ?

Congrats on making it to the end of the game :)

For that puzzle, have you tried looking at all options available to you?

Maybe looking more closely at Vaektor will give you a hint as to what you can do.

More direct hint:
You need to cast a certain spell at him which will affect him.  Your direct attack spell doesn't work, but how about indirect?

Cast the growth spell at him.  His robe is infused with vines, and they act like the vines in the floor-puzzle room.



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