

Grapefruitologist AGSer

  • I can help with AGS tutoring
  • I can help with characters
  • I can help with making music
  • I can help with play testing
  • I can help with proof reading
  • I can help with translating
  • I can help with voice acting
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292 (0.042 per day)
Date registered:
Tue 03/01/2006 16:42:28
Local Time:
Wed 11/12/2024 09:54:04
Last active:
Tue 05/06/2007 22:16:54
I Can Help With:
I can help with AGS tutoring AGS Tutoring
I know a little about AGS, so if anybody is REALLY, REALLY lost about it, mail me.
I can help with characters Characters
I could "help" with art if you want but I'm really not that great, if you really need help you can ask though.
I can help with making music Music
Ask what you want, and I may have a music clip for it.
I can help with play testing Play Testing
I could beta-test, bu
I can help with proof reading Proof Reading
sur im u pritee goood speler
I can help with translating Translating
I can translate english to pig latin and vice versa. xD Barely.
I can help with voice acting Voice Acting
Did voice acting for the steak house waitress in Lif and the Treasure of the Tanones
I've worked on the following games:
Lif and the Treasure of the Tanones 
(\ _ /)
(o.o )
(>< )
This is Bunny
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!
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