[MODULE] Alternative KeyboardMovement v0.3 (Running, Mapping)

Started by Khris, Thu 10/02/2011 20:51:43

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No. Like, if you want to go right, but you are facing a diagonally defined wall, like / , I would expect to go right and up. But without solving this, the character will just get stuck.


Mmmh, seems like this problem never was solved, I'd also be interested in having the character automatically walk up slopes...

I searched around and found an old thread, there once was a competition:


Kweepa wrote he implemented sliding of slopes. But of course these data seems to be looong gone.


Sorry if I'm reviving an old topic but I have a strange issue with the module: When I press Down/Up arrow keys (or W/S keys) the game crashes:

With "Left/Right" or "A/D" there isn't problem the player moves well. I suspect it has to do with the loops of my player view but I donĀ“t know well what's happening here.


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