MODULE: Promptly v0.10! Create old-school interactive fiction with a parser!

Started by deadsuperhero, Mon 03/07/2023 08:59:00

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This project started off as many do: someone in a chatroom asking a question about how to do something. Someone asked about how to make text scroll in AGS for a parser game, and something about the question got me thinking about how I might do it.

Four days later, I've managed to hack together a working prototype of the module, dusted it off, and named it Promptly.
Promptly can do a couple of unique things, and it's all based on hacks on top of hacks. This text parser can:

  • Print out and parse dialog options, and then run them.
  • Check inventory items, and interact with them.
  • Provides context fallbacks, so that you don't get gummed up switching from, say, working with items, to talking to people.
  • Lets you show and hide images for things like dialogue and inspecting items
  • Provides scrollback, but lets you take it away in moments that the player needs to focus on just one thing.

There are still a few things I'd like to do with this, such as theme customization / palette swap support for 8-bit projects. Some of the code is a bit messy and requires clean-up, but I'm really happy with what I've managed to accomplish so far. Big shout out to CrimsonWizard for helping me figure out how to split up strings from the parser!

The fediverse needs great indie game developers! Find me there!

Joseph DiPerla

Nice!!! Can't wait to see what else you come up with in this module.
Joseph DiPerla---
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