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Messages - Guybrush Nosehair

I don't want to divert everyone's attention from the last question asked, but I've also got one. Although I've been a member of this community for a while now, I must admit that I have never played an AGS game (save for a few Indiana Jones and other misc. demos.) So, now that the summer is coming up, I figure it's time I actually sit down and play a game. I have high demands for games, so I hope someone can help me find what I'm looking for.

I want a full length game with good artwork (LucasArts-esque or better) and voice acting. Also, it must be free. Does anyone have any suggestions for such games? Thanks.
The top section depicts mountains. The bottom section is obviously some alien from Mars puking its gizzards out. How did we not see it before?
Quote from: Calin Leafshade on Sun 20/03/2011 17:49:56
In order to use covers you need to speak to whoever licenses the *recording* not the song.

Dylan may own the song but the song was licensed out to the Byrds which includes a license to sub-license that recording for play at the discretion of the recording owner.

So speak to The Byrds' record label.

Oops... I misread the original post. I was thinking EHCB was asking something entirely different. My mistake.
Quote from: [Cameron] on Tue 01/02/2011 17:15:28

This is me chillaxin on a velvet covered wheelchair for two. I have no idea why it was made, but it was freaking comfy.

David Spade! No really, there's nothing funny about him or his acting. NOTHING!!!
Thanks all for your response. I can finally sleep now that I know what the song is called.

I've got another question that I hope someone can help me with. I recently discovered 3D videos on YouTube, and have since decided to convert my movies into 3D (using red/cyan). I've been following this guide located at The video works as would be expected, but for some reason, the audio is always out of sync. I've tried this on several different files, but this keeps happening. There are two movies I've tried that I was successful able to convert. Can someone explain how to fix this? Thanks.
I found a copy of the song on an old mix CD that someone had burned for my brother a few years ago. There are no track names, but I was able to upload the song.

I would be grateful if anyone can help!
I've got a difficult question that I believe NO ONE here can answer. I've been looking for a song for a few years now. It's entirely instrumental. It mainly consists of an electric jazz piano playing a jazzy riff over and over. The guitar only does a fast pick of a chord only once in a while. I believe that the song came from the 70's, as that's the style, but I can be completely wrong about that. That's all I really remember about the song. If anyone can help, I'd be very VERY grateful.
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