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Messages - Derrick Freeland

Quote from: loominous on Fri 19/11/2010 22:52:45
So, any ideas on what a game design writing activity could look like?

I'm guessing that the most appealing aspects to writers would probably be stuff like: character backgrounds, dialogues, cutscenes, or similar, so it should probably incorporate some of those.

To avoid being limited to mere framework design, I guess something like the game's first cutscene could be included, kinda like a trailer, where you'd get the taste of the general atmosphere.

So for instance, with a theme like: 'The Kite Flying Society', the activity could include:

I) Designing the world
II) Designing the main story
III) Designing the (main) characters and their backgrounds
IV) Writing the intro

As a complete novice when it comes to writing, I'm just tossing out ideas.

This activity could work as a standalone one, or be part of a general game design activity.

I think these are good ideas for a framework.  Right now, I'm using a tree editor to write the script for my game.  It don't know how easy it would be for participants to submit and exchange tree editor documents, but it's a great way for someone to 'read' your game.  Navigating and reading through the various branches plays a bit like a text adventure.  You can't get too in-depth with puzzles, but you can present the basic concepts in the order that they would appear in game.  Just a thought.
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