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Messages - Moresco

Critics' Lounge / Re: EGA-Style Room Critique
Wed 11/10/2023 20:46:29
Quote from: newwaveburritos on Mon 24/04/2023 22:41:44

The way you mixed the blue into the floor dither on the right is chef's kiss.
Quote from: Abisso on Fri 18/03/2011 17:10:31

*his mind goes to that time he had to manually rename 60.000 files miraculously recovered from his broken hard disk*

60,000?!??! dear god man! I would have given up after 1000 files.
Quote from: Mati256 on Thu 10/03/2011 00:02:25
I am thinking in buying a 500GB External Hard Drive.
I have two options, Hitachi and Samsung. I know Samsung is a well known brand in TV and other stuff, are their HD good to? Hitachi is a lot cheaper.  ;D
Are there any computer geeks with an opinion on this subject?

I think it depends somewhat on the model, but for the most part I would avoid Samsung....and Hitachi if there are any other options?  Otherwise, just as a shot in the dark because they're both pretty much as good, I'd go with Hitachi.  I've had several Samsung drives, all with one sort of problem or another.  If you can find a Western Digital or Seagate, might be better choices.  That's all based on experience with those drives.   Sadly, even the best company will now and then put out a dud.  Do a research on the model number for both drives you are considering.  Google them and you'll get feedback.
Been a long time, here's some pictures from this century.

Quote from: Disco on Thu 24/01/2008 21:04:51
It's yeast, bitches

Is that good with ham?  Heh nice crown you got there, your royal scientist... ^^
Quote from: MesaBlue on Fri 15/04/2005 06:41:58

Wow I can't believe that was me...

Anyway these are some pics of the more recent times:

Cottonwood Coffee show 9/19/07

Cottonwood Coffee show 11/28/07

Supposed to be working...taking photos for fun

Nov 2006

Quote from: KhrisMUC on Sat 21/04/2007 15:04:20
You're right, I thought tile-scrolling meant that the screen doesn't actually scroll but the tiles are replaced column by column.

Btw, real-time strategy can be done using AGS, there was a Cannon Fodder clone in Production (by foz) once, but sadly he didn't finish it.

Oh.  Well the screen never really scrolls as it appears to, it's just an illusion.
Hmm I have to disagree with you.  So many games use tile scrolling it isn't funny...  Maybe you're confused about what I'm talking about.  This is an example of tile scrolling:

tile scrolling

Refers to tile scrolling:

The gb/snes/nes and all subsequent zelda styles all pretty much work the same way.  Only the graphics/sound/gameplay improved, but the overall method used on the consoles were very similar if not the same.   In the snes version of Zelda there is scrolling 1 tile at a time as well as scrolling full screens full of tiles at once for transitions.
Very interesting discussion.  I'd like to add a few things.

There are Real-Time RPGs like Final Fantasy IV where characters on a screen sort through menus to pick a choice of action, while the monsters timer counts down to attack the characters repeatedly.

Then there are action-RPGs like Zelda or the Seiken Densetsu (secret of mana etc) games.  In this type of game, you freely move about while wielding a weapon of some type - swinging, throwing, whatever have you - at the monsters.  Collision detection is needed for this type of game, but not for the aforementioned style game.

In Zelda's style scrolling, you have rooms of a set size, made up of tiles.  When you move off screen, the room does not scroll as it appears, but rather the tiles are pushed over (or up/down/left/right depending) bit by bit while the new room's tiles (already loaded) are pushed onto the new area.   I believe in Zelda, your character either stands still during this, floats, or something similar.

I don't believe anyone mentioned Strategy-RPGs either.  Wonder if anyone would ever have the desire to work out some of that stuff...

There are several types of those as well.  There's the Warsong, Fire Emblem, Shining Force styled sRPG - almost like a board game where pieces are moved about a playing field.  Battles are sometimes randomly fought out, the computer computing the outcome (almost like a short movie).   Others allow choices between attacks and even more options come into play with games like Super Robot War.

And then there's realtime strategy, but that's not going to happen I fear. :p

I'd love to incorporate RPG stuff into a game.  Not saying I will, but if I do I will certainly make a tutorial of the process to add here.
It's time for some new pics, it's been ages...

That's all for now my lovelies.
resizing takes too much time...
I'll post a new pic, since I have changed my style:


General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Fri 16/04/2004 16:34:58
Wow some interesting responses. I can see I opened up a can of worms by mentioning my beliefs heh.  Oops.

Well as for Christians who divorce....what's your point? Bible teaches that if your partner is commiting adultery that you should seperate in divorce.  However, you can't remarry, that's a sin.  The misconception here is that being a Christian makes you and everyone else instantly perfect or something, which isn't true.  I simply stated that my viewpoint was different.  The really interesting thing about the Christian discussion is that I stayed a virgin up until I married at the age of 25...and yet even though I did that I was NOT a Christian.  Sure I did the whole 'you're saved' bit, but I didn't ever really believe it until AFTER I was married and had my son.  I only recently thought of myself as a Christian, so sex-before-marriage being a no-no was never my Godly belief, it was just something I knew I could do because I was never weak because of sex.  So this quote below, doesn't apply to me, I wasn't a 'Christian':
Quote from: foz on Thu 15/04/2004 22:35:23

Where as the christian man will probaly get married inside six months so he can get his leg over.......

"Getting my leg over" had nothing to do with why I married my wife.  The only good reason I ever had for sex was this boy:

Right on, some people actually agreed with me :) I'm shocked. ^^
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Thu 15/04/2004 20:29:49
Well I'm married, but I have strange views on sex and dating because I'm a christian.  I don't believe in sex before marriage.  I met my wife on the internet though, I think the internet can be a good thing if you use it wisely.  My friend dates constantly on sites like  He's had quite a bit of success, if you're viewing success in the fact that he's getting sex....but he just goes from girl to girl so what's the point(right I mean aside from sex)?  He told me though, that it was the best 25 bucks(I forget the cost but around 25, maybe it's less, maybe it's more) that he ever spent. ^^

Speed dating sounds bizarre.  Somebody mentioned Oxygen Dating to me once, no clue what that's supposed to be.  I don't have any experiences or know of any, maybe somebody else does...
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