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Messages - Anym

While it doesn't seem to be an adventure, it should be an AGS game, so I hope posting in this thread is OK. I'm looking for Teddy Murder, apparently made by Yahtzee back in 2006, see
Thanks a lot. I could have sworn I did look there. Must have been blind... 8)
I'm looking for Creed Malay's Last Clown Standing (MAGS/02/2004).
As everyone seems to ignore the...
Quote from: Andail on Wed 23/06/2004 16:10:34Images shall be linked, not displayed.
...rule, I think I'll do so as well, but don't worry, I'll keep them small.

Here are two characters of mine, that I have posted before, in threads long fallen off the board before this thread was introduced. So I'll just post them again.

The first one is the character formerly known as Luke Landrunner, which I originally made for benbigbrain for a game called "The Adventures of Luke Landrunner", which unfortunately never came to be, so I asked him if it was O.K. with him if I posted the graphics I'd done so far somewhere for everyone to use, so here he is (again). You can find him at

The other one is an even older, nameless, female character for my first, possibly viking-themed game, which also never came to be, due to lack of a plot. She's available at

I doubt I'll make use of them or work on them anytime soon (if ever), so feel free to use or adapt them to your needs. Enjoy!

Also, shouldn't the first post be edited to reflect the stuff that has been contributed?

Quote from: Andail on Wed 23/06/2004 16:10:34All moderators are welcome to include the donations to this initial post and erase the replies.

To help with that, here's my categorization:


Characters, finished with animations
Landrunner, 29x89, 24 colors, walking, talking, tapping his foot and drawing and shooting a gun in four directions. - 8 PCXs in a ZIP
Made by Anym 2002-2003
Someguysdottir, 19x47, 30 colors, walking and talking in four directions. - 1 PCX in a ZIP
Made by Anym 2001
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