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Messages - jwalt

Worked something up for this, but darned if I can figure out how to link it. Used to be easy to do this, but now seems nothing I've tried works. Here's the link to the sprite sized image:

Edit: Figured it out, I guess.


Wallace Beery, aka Long John Silver, will always be "my pirate," despite Cap'n Jack Sparrow's best efforts.



Been working on a MAGS game, using the RON assets. My game leaves Josh and Davy stranded in an alternate dimension, so, naturally, I began thinking about getting them back home, in a follow-up game. Shiny bauble syndrome. Instead of working on my MAGS entry, I've been messing with this:

Obviously, not the RON they're looking for...
Quote from: Stupot on Mon 13/11/2023 14:58:44Great to see some movement already this month. Keep up the good work, folks. Keep us posted with updates.

@jwalt your project sounds like great fun. 40+ minutes of an interactive movie is awesome given the timeframe.

The RON assets meant a lot less time spent on artwork, allowing more time for scripting. My artwork contribution is minimal. Not sure if it's appropriate, but here's a link to what my beta tester played:

My "ending" for this one, led me to begin thinking about a follow-up, the shiny bauble syndrome. Has me kind of heading in two different directions. Such is life, I guess.

I don't remember if I turned off the debug stuff on the link above.
Got some feedback from a friend who played through my game, as it stands right now. Made a whole bunch of suggestions, which I am thinking about. Reading between the lines of her comments, I think she's telling me not to give up my day job, because I suck at making games. She said it took a bit over 40 minutes to finish. Still time to work on it, but I'm running out of steam. And it continues to be more movie than game. :(
I'm making pretty good progress on this attempt. Actually, managed to play 99% through the game, only to reach a room near the end, and find out I'd forgotten to move one of the characters into the room. It's breakable, I'm finding out. Still working on it. Want to add some more interaction; as it stands, it's more interactive movie than P and C game. Doubt the finished project will change that to any great degree.

Another screen capture from my game:

Keeping at it, and learning lots of things, along the way. Loving 3.6, and also surprised at how user friendly Mediafire now seems to be.
I'm still at it. Had a notion to do my intro screen:

One of those XBox Game Bar captures.

Sadly, it's looking a lot more like an interactive movie, at this point, rather than a point and click game. That's been a problem, for me, in the past.
Quote from: Renegade Implementor on Fri 03/11/2023 03:46:01I rechecked the Spoons 3 asset pack you'd sent and there's no boombox sprite, so that's why it didn't get added to the inv & object pack as I had no indication you'd wanted it included.  I'll see if I can't find it in-game and screengrab it.

It wasn't anything I drew; I'm not that talented. I might have snagged it out of one of the backgrounds? It shows up in one of the screen shots I posted in the game download screen. Don't waste time on this. It's not at all important, and I like the way the game laid out with my workaround. Think I'm making pretty good progress on what I'm working on. May even try for this month's MAGS.
A few days before this MAGS was announced, I'd been toying with an idea for a RON game. As luck would have it, I think it might fit this MAGS. Also, having a deadline might keep me working on my project. I think I'm going to give it a try, unless the day or two head start disqualifies me. Currently thinking of using the name of one of the characters as the title: Wagu Ogambo.

I've no clue if that name might mean anything in a foreign language. So, if it does, please let me know. Hate to be saying something naughty, without knowing it.

I've no idea where that name came from. Blame it on The Muse, I guess.
Thanks. I'm making good progress on what I'm trying to do. May even be close to a demo, with the first three rooms. Previously, I thought I'd been using AGS 3.1? Maybe even 2.5? I'm impressed with 3.6! Seems to me a bunch of improvements, with much better "workflow." Thank you, Crimson and the gang!

A side question... In the RON resources, I can't find a boombox sprite that I'd used in Spoons III. I've figured out a workaround, but curious to know if something got left out of the current assets. Not having the boombox led to an additional quest in my game, so it's not all that bad.  :smiley:

I've even figured out a way to pull Roger and his room, from the BASS Template, into the full game.
Reality-on-the-Norm / Enjoyed the paint-over
Wed 01/11/2023 01:41:27
I've been AWOL for a while. I had an idea for a RON game and downloaded the RON files. The old computer I had them on went belly up, so I had to find them once again. I was pleased to see that a couple of my 3D backgrounds made it into the folders.  :grin:  Whoever painted over them did a wonderful job, and I fully understand why the paint overs were necessary. My background for Scid's on the beach was the pits to try to do the walk behinds, and it looks like the 2D art paint over would be every bit as difficult. If I continue making progress with my idea, I'll post something about it.
Quote from: eri0o on Sat 30/09/2023 16:20:46About being the 3D modeling stuff, what I use, just to have a general idea and to draw on top later is Wings3D, which is a very old-school software but the modeling concept in it is simple and similar to SketchUp - which still exists btw but now runs in some web environment.

But there are other approaches, for having a basis, like making a simple real model and taking photos - or more easily, going to a physical place you find interesting and just taking real photos in different places (or even just using Google Street View for this).

You might also take a look at Anim8or. It has limits, but has been about the only modeler I've made any progress with.
Figures... I'm using some of the RON assets, and I had some things I didn't like about the background image. Modified the background enough to please me, and went back to the Bass game, since I had some characters doing things. Swapped out the background, and now everything seems to be working as it should. I guess I'll mark this as solved. Don't know what I did? But it had to be my fault.
Beginners' Technical Questions / Re: Padlocked
Sat 28/10/2023 06:01:43
I'll keep playing with it, since I well may have done something wrong. Since you don't recall anyone else having the problem, I don't want to waste your time. You do more than enough and have for quite a while. IF I discover anything, I'll try to let you know. Meanwhile, I'll work with the Sierra style.
Beginners' Technical Questions / Re: Padlocked
Sat 28/10/2023 04:25:58
That was quick, thanks. For some reason it still won't open the properties for the objects. Did a quick check, and it looks like the Sierra template works as expected. I'd only put three objects in the Bass room, but I've swapped out the image for one of them several times now. Guess I'll use Sierra style? Looks like I've buggered up Bass, somehow. I did understand the padlock bit you sent.
Downloaded 3.6.0 the other day and playing with it. Had been working as expected, until trying to delete some objects. Couldn't get the properties window to list objects and clicking on the object failed to bring it up. Tried uninstalling/reinstalling. No real change, but thanks for keeping what I'd been playing with! Tried a new game, and much the same. Right clicking doesn't even show the sprite marking the default object.

Using the Bass template. I'm also seeing some kind of odd padlock mouse cursor, from time to time. Have I accidentally locked myself out?
Prompted me to recall an attempt at creating a Background Blitz:

My Blitz was a failure, but the related story was interesting.
Quote from: Click'd on Sat 17/10/2020 13:21:45
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 17/10/2020 08:06:41
Jwalt, I'm getting 'video unavailable'.
It also says
Watch this video on YouTube.
Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.

The "Watch this video on YouTube" is a clickable link that starts a YouTube window and plays the video. At least, that's the way it works on my system. IF you're in an area that restricts YouTube, it might not work. Sorry. First time I've encountered it, myself.

Interesting video along with this one:

Off topic, anyone tell me if the segment from 0:48 to 1:10 is from a movie, and if so, which one? May be just a part of the same footage taken, but seems to have some pretty cinematic elements.
Spent most of this morning looking at YouTube videos of this guy:

Not bad for a busker.

PS Admit that I don't follow this topic very closely, so hope I haven't duplicated an artist, and he is an artist.
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