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Messages - Loslem

Mmmh, seems like this problem never was solved, I'd also be interested in having the character automatically walk up slopes...

I searched around and found an old thread, there once was a competition:

Kweepa wrote he implemented sliding of slopes. But of course these data seems to be looong gone.
Hi it's me again, back to bother you! :D

Say: It's super convienient to set Door Hotspots with the extension >o, so that right click right opens them. Problem: if you click right again you always get the door string for the open door.
Is there a way to implement that the door is closed again with a right click?

EDIT: Sorry I found it on site 14 of your Verbs Manual. Good write!
EDIT: Doors work now! I'am so happy!

Thanks! I'll try this evening and let you know :)
Oh, I also had another bug regarding the safe-system. I have to recreate it in the evening because I'm at work now, but I would describe it like this:
If I open the Menu via the GUI Button I can safe and load without problem. But If I open the Menu via F5 and safe I get an error. As I said I have to recreate it, but I recall it pointed to the part of the script where you added a comment saying "workaround for taking a screenshot without the menu-gui".

I tried with both compiled game and the testeun with AGS open.

EDIT: The Error Reads "Error running function 'repeatedly_excecute'": Error: Null String referenced

and it refers to the line 402 of the optiongui.asc

Code: ags

if (save_scheduled) {
    SaveGameSlot(saveSlotId, saveSlotString);
    saveSlotId = 0;
    saveSlotString = "";       
    save_scheduled = false;
Hi Abstauber!

First of all, love the new Verbs, great design.

I'm having some trouble with the doors. I set up the doors as I learned and the Anyclick works. Problem is this: in my new game I will have more than one playable characters, the user can switch anytime he wants. So, what I want to get working is this: If a Character on one side of a door opens the doors(but steps not trough it), then it should also be open in the next room, even if an other characzer approaches it from the other side, right?
I put the Getdoorstate in room_load on both sides, trying to always update the door state. Ot works for going trough the door, but it doesn't change the corrsponding object. Hence:
You will step trough an open bit displayed closed, door.
Well this is how I set doors up:

Code: ags

Room_First_Load {  
//Set up a doors with ID 20 and set it to unlocked but closed

Doors.Initobject (20, oDoor.ID);
 Doors.Setdoorstate (20, 0);

 //check if door is closed or open
Doors.Getdoorstate (20);

Code: ags

Room_First_Load {  
//Set up a doors with ID 20 and set it to open

Doors.Initobject (20, oDoor.ID);
 Doors.Setdoorstate (20, 1);

 //check if door is closed or open
Doors.Getdoorstate (20);
Quote from: Snarky on Mon 19/02/2018 22:31:04
SayBubble() doesn't support inline text-replacement using tokens like %s. This is an AGS limitation. What you'll have to do is to use String.Format() to insert those arguments, like so:

Code: ags
player.SayBubble(String.Format("Nice %s", locationname));

Thanks so much! I would habe never figured that out!
Hi! It's mee again, still finfing and not understanding Errors while using the Module with the Tumbleweeds-Template (Hooray for me!)

Okay, so you all know that there are these Unhandled Events in the Template. Looks like this:

Code: ags

 // unhandled LOOK AT  
    else if (Verbs.UsedAction(eGA_LookAt)) {
      // look at hotspots, objects etc.
      if (type!=2) player.Say("Nice %s", locationname);
      // look at characters
      else player.Say("It's %s",locationname); 

So, I tried to alter that to this:

Code: ags

    // unhandled LOOK AT  
    else if (Verbs.UsedAction(eGA_LookAt)) {
      // look at hotspots, objects etc.
      if (type!=2) player.SayBubble("Nice %s", locationname);
      // look at characters
      else player.Say("It's %s",locationname); 

I get this Error for the change:
verbgui.asc(1600): Error (line 1600): Type mismatch: cannot convert 'String' to 'GUI'

It works for Uhandled events that dont Mention the Thing you clicked at

Code: ags

if (door_script == 1) player.SayBubble("It is already open."); 
 else if (type ==2) player.SayBubble("%s would not like it.",locationname);

You think there's a solution for this?

Thanks for reading,

Sometimes I'm embarrassed by my problems :D
Thanks Wizard!

Okay I ran into another issue,

if one uses the Tumbleweed-Template(9-Verb GUI), you have to assign the Unhandled messages for all Verbs that aren't important for the hotspot e.g.

These are defined in the verbgui.asc.
I copied the chunk of code for the unhandled USE command (I altered one of the say commands, the other remained the same)

Code: ags
  if (AGSCursorMode != eModeUsermode2 && type != 0) {
    if (type==2 || type==6) player.FaceCharacter(character[location_id], eBlock);

    // unhandled USE
    if (Verbs.UsedAction(eGA_Use)) {
      // use inv on inv
      if (type >= 5) player.Say("That won't do any good.");
      // use
      else player.SayBubble("I can't use that.");

This is the Error I get:
verbgui.asc(1594): Error (line 1594): '.SayBubble' is not a public member of 'Character'. Are you sure you spelt it correctly (remember, capital letters are important)?

Any way to solve this? I don't know if it's interesting for anyone using the Verbs-GUI...

thanks in advance,

Ah right it workes! I tried putting the commands in the dialog before and I got an error, but that was because I used the Hologram character from the template, and it had no Talking view. Error was "SetCharacterView: invalid view number (You said 0, max is 10)"

So, Characters seem to need to have a talking view assigned. I don't know if that is of any help :)
Really like that Module!

What would I have to do to make it wqork in the Tumbleweed Dialogues?


Hi guys,

So after being a rather silent member for over half a year now, I thought maybe I'll give this introduction thread a try.

So, I'm loslem. I'm a lab technician from germany. So much for my day-job.

I think the first idea of making an adventure game came to my mind when I started hosting small pen&paper adventures for my friends. If I write stories and swtting and riddles...why not make a point&click thing out of it. I just googled around, found some blogs about engines and decided AGS looks the best. So I got it, tried around with it and thought "a dang, you'll need a programmer and a graphics guy...". So I didn't really think I would continue with it.
Fast forward three weeks. I'm looking like a crack addict, because I was scripting random stuff in the templates just to see if it works, spending 3 hours to figure out why a code won't work, then getting it to work, celebrating for 5 minutes and picking the next problem to solve. But: it was fun, so I thought "maybe you could do this". So I continued.

I realize I'm writing a whole memoire here, I'll wrap it up:
If it comes to art I'm a jack of all trades. I don't know how to do a thing? Heck, I'll figure something out. This also correlates with my love of punk-art and garage-rock. There is no you cannot do it. Just begin somewhere and make the best you can. Of course mostly the stuff has a raw or thrashy style, often going somewhere dark. But that's stuff I enjoy, so that's stuff I make.
I draw, I write stories, I make music, and most recently... seems I like making games.

It's good to be with you guys, a lot of helping folks around here, I hope to submit more games over the next years :)
Wow, I feel chuffed :)
Thanks guys. Clearly a motivation to keep going!
Ah, ohmygod that makes so much sense... I never thouhgt of the doors working that way. It seems to work now :)

Now regarding the sound...

That's what I find in the script:
Code: ags

// In AGS 3.2 you do it this way:
//   Audioclip *openDoorSound = aDoorsound;
AudioClip*  openDoorSound,  

Aaaand I don't relly get the pointer stuff...
So this here doesn't work.
Code: ags

// In AGS 3.2 you do it this way:
//   Audioclip *openDoorSound = aDoorsound;
AudioClip *openDoorSound = aTuerAuf,
            closeDoorSound = aTuerzu,
            unlockDoorSound = aTuerAuf;    

Debugger says: "Cannot assign initial Value to global pointer"
Sry guys, for the most part of the coding stuff I'm doing fine, but here I don't get how it's done right :/

Thanks to you both :)

Just to clarify: Does that mean that every door in the whole game should have an ID on it's own? I thought that was linked to the room, so I started over from ID 1 in every room. Ahehehe...
Hu guys!

I have 2 questions, both regarding the doorscript.
1. That may be the simpler one: where can I define the default door sounds for opening and closing? The 9Verb pdf says that these sounds will be called if the script is used... but I don't know where to insert them ^^

2. My game is set in a house, hence I use a lot of doors. So when I test the game and run around the rooms, from time to time it happens that doors lock themselves(and of course then there is no key exising). Or doors that should be closed are open. Or the door is open, but the object sprite is not displayed. Anyone else has similar experiences?
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