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Messages - SlashNina

Quote from: Argailwall on Sun 26/03/2023 14:23:56Hello, this project looks great, is it continuing? It would be such a shame to not use all this incredible art!

Still going, though I was in the middle of moving when you posted your question! We're getting really close to having a complete garbage freighter demo at least! I need to finish a lot more art stuff!
Quote from: TheVolumeRemote on Sat 17/07/2021 18:54:54
It’s ultimately up to what excites and motivates you since you’re putting the endless hours in! That said, personally, my ideal would be a faithful recreation of the original except of course in “VGA” point n click. Yeah the whistle has its baggage but it’s part of the charm and history of one of the GOATs  :)

Yeah, it might be fun to just leave it as is, and let fan fiction/fan games fill in the gap!
Quote from: daleks13 on Sat 17/07/2021 01:30:59
If there is 1 thing i would like fixed and possibly changed  in this remake is why Terminator is after Roger Wilco. Doesn't make sense he owes money for a free whistle.

I really need to ask Troels about this, since he's more knowledgeable than me. There are a couple of official-ish sources for reasons in the published walkthroughs for the Space Quest series. Fortunately I'm the sort of weirdo that has those on hand.

One mentions the slot machine from Ulence Flats, which was my assumption as a kid. The other one has Roger's termination notice withdrawn which of course doesn't fit so well with SQV. Still not super sure what to do about it, and open to ideas. Probably going to just ask Troels, though.
Quote from: milkanannan on Fri 16/07/2021 06:43:50
By far my fav SQ episode. Your project looks amazing and very loyal to the original! Are you thinking to add any optional new puzzles to the game? Either way I'm totally playing this when you finally release it!

I had plans for extra puzzles, and even some art done for them, but I've sidelined those in favor of just making a faithful adaptation, mainly because it's a lot to do just by myself! If I had more help, and people to bounce ideas around with, I'd certainly reconsider! It included things like an extra planet to visit, more puzzles in ScumSoft, and visiting planets from the postcards like Robertaland for extra death scenes. The scope on all of that is just too much though! Maybe if I want to keep working on this after completing the main game I can do a special edition or something, but for now I'm trying to keep focused~
Quote from: mkennedy on Wed 14/07/2021 05:33:09
Something you should consider is an option to skip the arcade sequences. That one near the end was too difficult for me and I was never able to finish the game.

Yeah, I really want this to be accessible. Was thinking of just having an optional God Mode or Auto Pilot mode during the last couple of minigames, so that you don't miss the spectacle of it.
Quote from: daleks13 on Wed 14/07/2021 01:34:20
Yes my favorite Space Quest game quick questions will there be a speech pack and also is this an exact remake or added stuff to the game ?

I'd like to do a speech pack, but any sort of script is dourly incomplete. Troels mostly had been doing writing while scripting the game, but that's about it. A speech pack is a long ways off.

I had plans for extra stuff, and some assets are in the Google drive folder I think, but with how long I've been at this, I'm just focusing on mostly a recreation now. Though some things are different. I liked making lots of references in the garbage freighter refer to remakes or reboots. Like how the Jupiter 2 is now the Netflix series version. So little changes like that?

Poor Roger Wilco, in hibernation for what seems like forever, finally wakes up on board a mysterious garbage freighter! Help him escape and adventure around new, yet familiar planets, even more colorful in VGA.


Yes it's another Space Quest 3 Remake:
How many of these have there been? I know of at least one other SQ3 Remake project going on right now, though I hear there's another one that I just don't know anything about? I started on this one years ago, I think after the Space Quest Historian interviewed Steven Alexander about Infamous Adventures' SQ3 project, and it just sounded... dead. I started with a concept of the Transformer-like head in the garbage ship, because every remake I had seen recolored that head to be blue when I prefer the fuschia one. Then I started redrawing other backgrounds, and eventually making some sprites, always trying to keep more of the brightly colored comic book vibes of the original. Eventually Troels, the Space Quest Historian, put my art in AGS and started scripting the garbage ship part of the game. He's done working on it now as he's busy with all sorts of other things, but I'm trying to learn AGS and find more help with this.

I'm also opening up this project some, in hopes of actually getting a SQ3 remake done, and just having a public Google Drive folder with the assets I've made in case anyone wants to use them! If you want to use any of the art, just credit me, Nina Shanafelt. Also, you can find me on Twitter @SlashNina. If you want to work off of the AGS files or use any of the reorchestrated music, that's stuff is by Troels Pleimart, the Space Quest Historian, also on Twitter at @SQHistorian. You should definitely check with him first if you want to use his music. Knowing that, feel free to browse some files over here!

There's lots of art done, mostly backgrounds. Lots of animation still needs to be done! Otherwise, lots still need to be implemented into the game itself. The Garbage Freighter area still isn't completable, though most of the art assets are complete for it, and you can at least use the grabber claw. UI is mostly swappable, though doesn't work quite right still, but the intention is to be able to switch to either traditional, grey Sierra menus, or the new extra colorful design for UI. I'm still learning AGS, and trying to pick up where Troels left off with building the game, but also I like to just zone out and draw, so help with scripting is very much appreciated!


Update April 2023:
I've gotten a lot more help since I last updated, especially from gargin in getting this game working. I still need to complete a lot more art stuff, but have gotten a bit of help on that end, too. We're getting closer to having a demo ready. The garbage freighter is completeable, as is traveling elsewhere afterwards. Gargin is mostly just using old SQ3 assets as placeholders as he recreates the game in AGS, and I'm trying to focus on getting all the freighter arts assets done so we can have a demo out without placeholder stuff. Here's some progress art and animation stuff in the meantime:

Sorry for not posting updates with much frequency, my pandemic has been hectic, but even without that I'm not great at keeping up on social media stuff!
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