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Messages - cattea

Thank you so much--that worked! :-D You made a great point about the resolution recommendation. Unfortunately I am a ways in already but in the future I will for sure follow that advice. Hopefully having to use 640x400 won't come back to bite me later!

Sorry for the noob question but is there a verb coin-specific manual that you are aware of just in case I get stuck later on on anything?

Screenshot of the issue

Sorry, my image didn't go through the first time!
Hi everyone,

I've gone through the tutorial and tried searching the manual and the internet, but I'm really stuck! When I run my game, all of the different verb coin verb icons are stacked on top of one another. I tried to change their positions to top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right, but it makes no difference so I cannot use anything except the verb on top.  :( 

I changed my resolution to 640x400 and it looks like this broke some of the default GUIs in general, so perhaps that is the cause. I'm really struggling to find information/tutorials/manuals and I'm not used to using a forum so I apologize if this was asked. I genuinely spent hours trying to figure this out

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