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Messages - MrColossal

I guess I don't see why people take this so seriously but people do so I will try.

"and the only way sprite jam could go back to "normal" would be for someone into pixel art to make hi res sprites better than the hi res people."

Maybe a problem is winners don't have much imagination when it comes to setting up sprite jams? There is nothing stopping someone who just won a "Make a sprite for the game-n-watch!" jam from starting another that challenges people to make a sprite for a high res 1024x game.

I don't know, I guess I don't care enough about the competitions to get worked up about it. I don't like most of the rules in the MAGS competition but all I can do is either enter and hope to win to make my own rules or wait for the rules to change.


You can participate in your own sprite jams if you want. Also you can make sprites with clay that fit sprite jam rules, or you can just make a sprite following the majority of the rules and disregarding the others. No one is going to ban you for having fun and making something awesome. Maybe I'm the only mod that feels that way... Maybe next Mittens I'll be shown the 300 page rule book that CJ wrote up detailing the strict ways to run the comp forum.

The sprite jam for me, when I started it on IRC, was not about winning, we just had a "winner" so that we could vary up who chooses what to draw next. If the sprite jam is about winning for people then I bow out of the conversation because I am not in that mindset.

Also, I'm not against changing the sprite jam if the majority of people want it. Just as long as people have fun and make cool art and hopefully learn something.
Forgive me, I have not read all the posts on this topic but the way I've always seen it is the sprite jam is there for people to have fun and learn by doing.

I also see it that if someone wins a sprite jam they get to set the rules... If they want people to develop a concept first and then show the final sprite, that is their prize for winning the last comp. If they want to make it that you have to make a sprite for an isometric Diablo clone, good for them! If people don't like these rules, they don't enter.

A winner ran a comp that involved concept art, someone argued with him about the rules. If someone doesn't like the rules, they can just not enter and boycott that week. If someone else doesn't like that only low res rules are being made, win the competition and change the rules. Does that mean possibly doing low res art to win the comp the first time through? Sure, but that's the way it's set up.

I think this is very simple?
Oh by the way, Mills, those new shades you got as a present for the holidays are pretty and all but can you leave them open when you get out of a shower... Kinda putting a damper on my infatuation...
An infatuation is something that is fleeting, transient. Real love is usually defined by humans to mean something that doesn't go away.

As I understand it
Air wouldn't hold heat as well as something solid like rock. So the rock gives the heat off at night and then absorbs it in the day while the heat is just dissipating in the air and not being absorbed, I don't know.

I love all the I don't knows!
Quote from: Oliwerko on Thu 25/12/2008 22:51:58
Ok, I would like to know why does the ground cool first in the evening before the air does and respectively, why does the ground warm first in the morning, then the air.

without doing any research into the matter I would guess that the ground retains the heat of the day and lets it off into the air at night which keeps the air warm but the ground gets cooler as it releases it's heat?

Maybe? I dunno?
If there were any pictures taken I would post the pictures from Zapatos 2008 when Magintz and Tier visited Jess and I in Albany... But since none were taken you'll all have to imagine the amazing things we did.
Yea I didn't know there was a wizarding school in Canada...

What's your house name?
Jess and I went to a wedding! Someone at an after party ordered some Tranny porn, Jess and I posed in front of it! NSFW!
Hooray, I loved Pilot Light, I also quite love your hl mods and I believe you should make more games...

That is an order.
Hooray! Automation!

Which PC Gamer?
I guess I'm just wrong all around!

Hooray everyone anyway!
I also see Darkside Adventure in the list, made by Bernie though not an AGS games and Force Majeure, is that part one of Force Majeure 2: The Zone?

Hooray for everyone!
no andail, this thread is for AWESOME video clips OH SNAP!
helm already has a hell fist!


The Go! Team. Yes please. Very nice. I love.


I posted this in the tutorials thread but it would get more exposure here.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 13/09/2006 20:34:34
Hooray for me! I was quite surprised to be mentioned on Qwantz's front page!

So as a present from me on my birthday, everyone can go to Qwantz and click the link and read my new comic series I started a little while ago...

Happy birthday to everyone!
greetings ptoing, long time fan of your work, however I'd hate to see your first post  leave a parenthesis open like that which would encapsulate every one of your posts hereafter into a sort of footnote realm.
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