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Messages - Estaog

Nobody knows what game i am talking about?
Hi, i am looking for a game that i am not sure was ever released. Way back when i used to use ags (before i quit) there was this game being developed. In the demo you where captured by this king with an ugly daughter. You are then thrown in a cell and the demo stops there. I searched for it quite a lot, but scince i couldnt remember the name it was quite hard.

I have the MI 1 one.
Actually it didnt say anything in the redme i have. And when i put that next to the name it it just displays it as the name.
Hi there, i want to make my gui action like "use" light up when over, say for example, a button.

Never mind i fixed it
This is the worst problem that keeps coming up:

See how the inventory is crushed in each other and how the last item is pushed out of the screen?

Any help?

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