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Messages - Ghostlady

The only difference is that I probably overwrote a save and not created a new one.  But like you said probably not worth testing anymore.
These are the items done and the timeline:
1. Imported old game into latest AGS software
2. Had to make numerous coding changes to get a final run
3. Started playing the game and making new saves since I am updating numerous things
4. Decided I wanted to animate a particular room that was not animated previously
5. Updated that room with a total of 5 images where before there was only one
6. I used a save from item #3 since I was near the end of the game and didn't want to play it again to this point
7. Got to this room and it was not animating
8. Changed my first room to teleport me to the room I wanted animated (#5) and it immediately started animating
9. I did not have a fixed bg for this room or in the global script.
Hope this helps.
I figured it out.  I forgot about the saving and you can't add anything new to the rooms and I was using a save.  Instead I teleported straight to the room and now it is animating.
I couldn't find how to "Find dialog in AGS" but I searched the two global scripts and neither of them have SetBackgroundFrame.  The BackgroundAnimationDelay is set to 25.

I have another room that uses background animation, which is set to 25, and it came in with the old game and it works perfectly.
I don't have that set in the room script. Actually it's a very small script with not too much going on.  That's why I was thinking it's an old game script vs current AGS version issue.

Here's the script:

// room script file

#sectionstart room_a  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function room_a() {
  // script for Room: Repeatedly execute
if (Hotspot.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y) == hLeft) {
      mouse.UseModeGraphic(eModeUsermode3); }

#sectionend room_a  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE

#sectionstart hotspot1_a  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function hotspot1_a() {
  // script for Hotspot 1: Interact hotspot
#sectionend hotspot1_a  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE

#sectionstart room_b  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function room_b() {
  // script for Room: Player enters screen (before fadein)
#sectionend room_b  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
I've added some extra backgrounds into a room to allow some things to animate.  It doesn't seem to be working. It's marked in the properties that animate is active. Is there some code I need to add due to adding a new function to older code?
I was thinking of changing the sound volume in game but if I can do a particular sound file and turn up the volume while it is playing in the room that will work.

I'll create a new post for any new questions not related to upgrading a game. 
Is there a way to globally turn up the volume whenever a sound is being played?
PERFECT! I used the first suggestion and it's working as expected.
It's in the Event where the player enters the screen before fade in:

#sectionstart room_b  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function room_b() {
  // script for Room: Player enters screen (before fadein)

I'll try the  IsMusicPlaying()  command.
I'll check those out.  One other thing.  In the old version, if there is music playing, I can travel from room to room without it interrupted.  What it is doing now is restarting the music from the beginning each time I enter a room.  Its the same song.  How do I fix that?
Ok I found them in the Explore Project under Audio.  I don't even know how I missed that.  The sounds seem lower in this newer version.  I can definitely hear a difference pulling the game up in both versions.  I'll do some tweeking to get the sounds louder.

My goal is to keep much of the old script as possible.  I am trying to make it more current with better playability.  For example, in the old version, if you hit Alt Tab to maneuver out of the game screen temporarily to hit a webpage for example, the game display becomes all garbled with bright pink lines running through it and you have to close it out.  With the new version it does not do that.  Alt Tab will take you out and put you back in with no problems.  Also, the display seems too stretched on the older version. There is one bug I want to fix and also add a "skip" option on most of the puzzles.  Currently there is no voice and am considering adding that too.
Overall, it's playing great from a version created 17 years ago without much coding effort on my part!!!

Many many thanks to everyone who kept working on this software!
How do I get to my music and sound files within AGS?  It looks like the PlaySound command is not valid with this version.  It is playing a sound file but it seems quite low and hard to hear.
That's a good idea. I believe I've done that in the past. Trying to get back into the swing of AGS things, been away too long.
Ah, I added a globel variable to replace a GetGraphicalVariable command.  Ok, good to know.  I started over and it was resolved.
I have been playing and saving to find the errors from going from the old version to new.  Its been good with saves and loads until now.   
Ok I think that fixed it.  Thank you so much for your help!
I changed this on the global script and the global header script and in a room for one character.  I now get this error on the
GlobalScript.asc(350): Error (line 350): Parameter type does not match prototype
Here's the error:
Failed to save room room2.crm; details below
room2.asc(147): Error (line 147): Type mismatch: cannot convert 'const string' to 'string'
I looked in the old files for global script and it is the same in the imported script.
Each character had their own Gui/Color Text function.

Global script:
#sectionstart SaySpecial2  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function SaySpecial2(Character *thechar, string message) {
  slabel2.TextColor = thechar.SpeechColor;
  thechar.SayAt(0, 0, 0, message); // say text but hidden (width 0), so voice speech plays

#sectionstart SaySpecial3  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function SaySpecial3(Character *thechar, string message) {
  slabel3.TextColor = thechar.SpeechColor;
  thechar.SayAt(0, 0, 0, message); // say text but hidden (width 0), so voice speech plays

Room script you would see this:
if ((stone == 0) && (convers == 0)) {
   gGui6.Visible = true;   
   SaySpecial2(cWoman, "What are these stones for Paulina?");
   gGui6.Visible = false;
   gGui13.Visible = true;
   SaySpecial4(cPaulina, "There is one missing.  If you can find it, I'll explain it all to you.");
   SetGlobalInt(350,  GetGlobalInt(350) + 1);
   gGui13.Visible = false;
   convers = 1; }

What has changed with the function or text?  If I remove the "SaySpecial#" from the lines in the room script, the game will compile but the text doesn't go into the text gui.  If I keep it in the game won't compile.
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