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Messages - bog

Quote from: MrColossal on Wed 21/01/2009 18:07:42

If someone doesn't like the rules, they can just not enter and boycott that week. If someone else doesn't like that only low res rules are being made, win the competition and change the rules. Does that mean possibly doing low res art to win the comp the first time through? Sure, but that's the way it's set up.

but the way it's "set up" is being questioned here. it's just not fair. what if someone who's into hi res stuff actually wins by doing pixel art and then sets the rules to exclude pixel art? and then other hi res guys do the same thing over and over again. and the only way sprite jam could go back to "normal" would be for someone into pixel art to make hi res sprites better than the hi res people.
i'm into pixel art but i think loominous' proposal is a good one. sprite jam should either loose color and fixed size restrictions (and have something like Misj's restrictions) or be renamed to pixel sprite jam and have some other competition for any kind of sprites.
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