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Messages - Drawken

Topic with the module:

Can't even get this working with older version of AGS? (!GotThere()) always gives the error "Parse error in expr near 'GotThere'
In the main script, if I'm not mistaken, "ProcessClick" needs to be replaced with "Room.ProcessClick".
And to call the module in the room script "GoFace" became "WalkFace" in the latest 2019 version.
What else am I missing? Or perhaps the module needs updating? Would really like to get this working. Thanks.
Code: ags
// room script file
int GotThere;

function oHall_Door_01_Interact()
  if (!GotThere()) WalkFace(104, 131, eLeft);
What was the process of coloring images for CMI?
I've been trying to duplicate this image to test my coloring.
I can't figure out how there are so many areas with bunches of colors that don't even seem to go together.
One of those yellow knobs alone contains 50 colors.
Was this done by hand?
How were the outlines rendered without going outside the color palette?
What is the process of creating a background and coloring it in this style while using a limited palette?
I was wondering if someone could explain this to me. I found this page at

In the drawing above the following problem is worked out.
Draw a room 18 by 27 by 12ft. at normal eyelevel, with two figures standing 25 ft. apart, in single-point perspective.
Solution: Establish a vertical scale on a horizontal scale. Mark these off in floor units to be equal on both scales. Set the horizon at slightly less than 6 vertical feet. Set vanishing point of intersection of horizon and vertical scale. Connect horizontal units to VP. Establish depth at first square foot. Draw diagonal to horizon. This establishes VP of the diagonals for all receding units and also creates a unit 9 by 9ft. Repeat this unit with diagonals as shown.

Everything makes sense to me except for "Establish depth at first square foot." How am I suppose to do that accurately? If I put the line too high or too low it will turn out to be a rectangle.

If there is a way to do this accurately, how would you use this formula in 2-point perspective?
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