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Messages - Revan

I have had an idea for a Competition.

It's called Movie Madness (or a variation on this).

The idea is the previous winner on the last Movie Madness picks a Film or TV show (even a Comic), and the participants have to create either a Background, Character, Vehicle, Object or Music or they can make all of them if they like. (I feel that characters and objects must be animated due to the greater effort involved in a bg or maybe animated characters / objects can be another category) The entry's must be based on that film/comic/tvshow etc. The host of the comp will pick a winner from each category, and then a vote will be held for the overall winner (I think a vote will be best due to the different types of entry's)

I have the perfect film to start us off.   ;D

What do you think?
Quote from: InCreator on Mon 22/12/2008 05:22:59
Also, another big riddle is - where could I actually get answers to questions like this? I mean, apart from having physics/anatomy/whatever professor as a friend? Internet might have everything, but sometimes seems to lack very basic knowledge of scientific progress. Wikipedia/howstuffworks/etc well-known sites are brief and other sites are either well hidden or non-existing.

Kind of sad that the flagship of information age can satisfy any crazy request for porn, but not knowledge...  >:(

Well if you live in the UK there is a place you can txt with any question and leave them to search the internet for an answer. There is a huge team of them. (Plus it is likely that some one has already asked your question and they have an answer.) It costs £1 tho, so make sure its a good question.

I have used them a number of times, if i have needed an answer and have been away from an internet connection. or if I can't find the answer online. They usualy txt back within 30 mins. (Max i have waited was about 2 hours)

The company is called AQA (Any Question Answered) and the number to txt is : 63336

Hope this helps anyone...

@Stupot:   I live just north of Manchester and pretty much all of the people i know call them Cans   
eg:  "Hi, would you like a Can of <insert generic drink> ?"
But at the same time we do not refer to the generic drink as anything other than its brand name or 'Can'
eg:  "Could you pass us a can out of the fridge"

Hope this helps...

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