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Messages - limeTree

Quote from: InCreator on Mon 22/12/2008 05:22:59
My unanswered mystery of all time:

Is nerve impulse physical? I mean, is it an electric, bioelectric, anything material we could capture or transfer?
If so, can we redirect nerve impulse into something else? Like a wire? Third string of nerves, like animal ones?
I know that if you lose a finger, it can be sewn back and nerves too. So, it's likely. Why havent anyone then thought about...

-- Is is possible to connect nerves of two people so if one gets hammered onto toe, another one yells?

Also, another big riddle is - where could I actually get answers to questions like this? I mean, apart from having physics/anatomy/whatever professor as a friend? Internet might have everything, but sometimes seems to lack very basic knowledge of scientific progress. Wikipedia/howstuffworks/etc well-known sites are brief and other sites are either well hidden or non-existing.

Kind of sad that the flagship of information age can satisfy any crazy request for porn, but not knowledge...  >:(

it is a chemical process,every cell i think has i think its positive and negative side(electrodes) it is the same one used as electricity but it is so small that even if we could capture i think there would be no great help of that
OH,i see!
Thank you Nihylist!
Sorry,can i ask something?
I havent been visiting ags forum for quite some time,i noticed that the backround blitz ceased to exist.What happened to it! I really liked that!
Well,hello everybody.I am a member for two weeks or so.
I am bored.I love adventure games and especialy RPG.
I have five years experience on manny rpg free makers.
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