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Messages - Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

That's not what I meant. :P I'm basically tired of people talking about writing comps over and over again. There's obviously interest, someone PM a mod already!
Oh, again? :P

There's been a writing comp, it generated interest. Eventually the last person to win didn't start a new thread.

It's worth bringing back to life, yeah. :P It's also been discussed in this thread, if you want more particulars.
Isn't MAGS a competition that already serves to give people motivation, get people to work on something, etc? Isn't that the perfect way to get beginners to join in?

But anyway, I second Pablo. If people want to see it happen, let it happen. And we'll see the turn-out it has.
Oh wow, what a blast from the past... I used to have it. Aren't there ZZT repositoriums? Have you tried Interactive Fantasies? Or the main ZZT page, which seems to keep moving from place to place?
Look, last time I re-started the writing comp because I thought "it would be fun to do", I PMed a mod, got permission, and went ahead and did it.

Someone PM a mod, ask, say it's BEEN suggested, it's even survived the comp prune, and get permission and get it rolling.
I agree as well, and furthermore suggest it be a thread on Completed Game Board, alongside with the Hour Games thread.
Quote from: Stupot on Mon 12/03/2007 22:13:16
I have an idea for a competition.  Everybody loves cut-scenes, but what about whole movies?.. or at least 10 minutes shorts.  How about using AGS to tell a story based on a loose theme given my the competition starter and winners thereafter, no gameplay allowed but gripping narrative and slick direction required.  I really like this, plase somebody else say it's a good plan!! :)

You're quoting yourself now? Or repeating yourself?
No Action Jackson.

EDIT - Blah, didn't see the last post, as it was on a different page.
Hey, happened to Pirate Fry. And Knight's Quest.
Wasn't made, sorry.
Hmmm? Explain? If you also get it on the Underdogs file, then it's not me who has to explain anything. Anyway, my Avast! anti-virus, which has never failed me, reports no such thing.
I hold the power in my hands, I do! Right-o, am on it.

EDIT - Done done dun dundiddydun bum dun can't be undone.
Strazer, I believe it's an installer. Hey, trust me, I've downloaded and played Razors 2.0 from the underdogs.

But if you're still not convinced, I'll re-download from the underdogs and put it on the archive. :P
I have, strazer.

Quote from: Rui "Trovatore" Pires on Tue 02/01/2007 13:11:23
Does anyone have a copy of the 1.3 version of Ray Bexter? The archive version is 1.0.

EDIT - Same for "Razors in the Night". The archive version is 1.0, and there should be a 2.0 version.

EDIT 2 - Ok, found "Razors 2.0":

EDIT 3 - But I still need that Ray Bexter...

EDIT 4 - <- Ray Bexter. Thanks for all the help, BTW. :P
Read this thread from the beginning and you'll find several references to a site that'll help you.
Hey, it only stopped because someone seems to have failed to start a new comp. When old competitions were pruned, it was, surprisingly, one of the ones to remain.

Stupot and VintageDemon, you didn't really get the spirit of the competition. Words limits are a BIG NO-NO in these things, so as to spark creativity - and if the comp-starter wanted to, he could always set limits himself. But the fun was, it could be a short poem or the prelude to a novel - anything, really. Also, "including 3 items" and such pre-supposed a story, a narrative. I've seen great writing exercises, extremely creative, that would never have happened with such, pardon me for saying, narrow-minded limits. And VintageDemon, with SO many things to choose from in a good piece of text, why should plot be the one thing that declares the winner? The fun of the whole thing was, since everybody has very different styles, it's the whole that appeals or not to the voters. It wasn't a quantifiable thing, and it certainly wasn't canonical. It was just about people choosing the ones they liked best.

Tuomas, the writing competition, in a way, always did include a poerty competition. If Stupot's example ever happened, it might not be possible, but it's not the case. Also, you've linked to some examples with very few restrictions, and for completeness' sakes I have to say I remember a couple of comps that DID have more restrictions - intelligent restrictions.

As for extending the deadline... well, give it a try, but there's a difference between "writing" and "banging a couple of ideas together". It's like the difference between a OROW and a MAGS. Now, there have been great OROW games, but mostly they could use with a lot more polish, while MAGS games usually have that extra level of detail.

Well, I guess it depends on what you're looking for. When I revived the comp, I wanted people to have the chance to actually develop their writing skills, or creativity, or whatever, so I gave them a whole month to do it. It worked - so much so that, surprisingly, it kept on going when many other competitions in this board were pruned. Right now it's on a bit of a standstill, so if you want to try something with other objectives, go ahead.

BTW, the rules in the previous comps were made by me and with the intent I just explained. If you do want to try another route, you'd better write some other set of rules.
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