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Messages - Ian Aloser

Hello Rik,
I finished it, too.
You created a great game and besides the few flaws I was highly motivated to complete it.
I really liked the soundtrack, the story and most of all the video sequences
which gave the game a great atmosphere.
Thank you very much for your work and I really hope to see more !
Cheers to Belgium !
Hey RootBound,
How did you proceed in the basement with Alexander?
I can see the wire's spot, but no item in my inventory
can be used with it. Also, looking at the door gives me the message:
"Good thing I got Alex's keycard" and interacting with it "I need a keycard"
My problem is: I got only my own keycard and don't have any wires....
Seems like I have run into a dead end ...
EDIT : Nevermind, I figured it out
Thanks Rik,
I get the picture ....
EDIT: My problem was the high game speed I had adjusted :-))
Thanks for the info, Rik !
I solved the previous hacks by trial and error :-)
But this one leaves me helpless....
Hey Rik,
Nice to know that these were flaws, not me being stupid :-)
At the moment I am totally stuck with
Hacking the door code at Alex's house, I just don't get the logic behind it
And : Can you tell me how you created the animation sequences of the car in the city?
Hi Rik:
I really like this game and I deleted my old save games
and downloaded the latest patch. I am afraid I have discovered
a severe bug in the latest version after starting from scratch:
When I am in Alexander's house for the first time,I tried to open
the safe, but didn't enter the correct password.
When I return to the bedroom,there is no way to interact with the safe anymore.
So I have to ask Ludd for help, therefore losing Scorepoint(s).
I guess it has to do with looking at all labels of the pictures, I did that,
but now I cannot proceed because Ludd needs more infos.
No way to interact with the safe anymore, strange....
And maybe another flaw: When I am at Alexander's house for the second time and I don't have the mine,
there is no way of returning to the hospital area to open the door with the room that contains the mine....
And I was sure the mine would help me to get rid of the bot, but I cannot use it on the bot.
However, when I click on the bot with the hand symbol, I get the message : " The mine did the job" and yet I get arrested...
I finally did figure out though how to get rid of the bot,....
And one more thing: I have a lot of saved games, but only the last 9 are visible in tne load screen,
can't find out how to scroll down, maybe it has to do with the resolution, i don't know...

Sorry for bothering you, but this nice game is worth it !

Sorry Rik for replying so late.
I really appreciate this little jewel, but have found
2 more bugs/flaws :
You can open the safe as many times as you want and therefore improve your score :-)
Same thing with the box behind the storage room...
Nothing gamebreakin, though, I suppose.
And as a sign of gratitude you could give me a hint where I can find the wires,
I hovered the mouse over every pixel :-))
Very nice game, indeed !
> Search the desk carefully
> Check if our formidable multi-tool has a glass cutter and if yes, cut a passage into the pane
> > Look at  the object on the shelf that is in a glass jar or something

( there's only 3 suggestions allowed, isn't it)
> Climb back down and enter/search the office
> Climb down the ladder and try to open the door to the private room using brute force
> Check the platform for a possible hatch to the private room below
> Remove the pile of firewood
Hints & Tips / Re: The Will
Thu 16/03/2023 08:16:18
Check the toilet in the bathroom !
> Pick the padlock of the hatch and check the roof for
a possible way to get into the private room
Hints & Tips / Re: The Will
Tue 14/03/2023 08:23:43
You need the vase from the back of the hall
and use it on the wet tiles and you will also need the soap
> Open all doors and check the rooms behind them while following Shoshana
>See if the multitool has a glass cutter
> Wipe away a tear from your eye over the broken cat bookend and follow along behind your sister.
Thanks rongel,

well explained. My Exam score was 2.8 at the time,
I read the appropriate book as often as I could and
studied with Allison.
And it's great to see how the story can develop in different ways
same for certain tasks, great replay value !
I started all over again just to find
That I got a "D" in my first exam, although I got all 4 answers correct...
EDIT: Also, I got the thermal underwear from my aunt's parcel although I had already bought it.
Hi rongel,
thanks a lot for this great game!
I haven't had much time to play so I rushed through it
to get to May eve ASAP, I will play more once I have the time.
Graphics and sound are brilliant, so is the atmosphere.
I guess I am the first player to actually survive May eve simply by
Spending May eve on the sofa in Elwood's room  :)
> Open the cabinet to see what's inside.
> Look at the other books to see if they have anything in common that might give clues to the book in the case.
> Examine the display case to determine how best to open it.
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