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Messages - Creed Malay

 How do Crane Flies survive? Seriously, they are useless - they can barely fly, and those insanely long legs don't seem to have any real point to them at all. They're rubbish, but they seem to do alright - they're everywhere at this time of year. What is those guys deal? How come they haven't been eaten into extiction by birds by now?
You know, I've been hanging around the AGS scene and having red hair and wearing hats and all for years, and no one ever flaps their glazzie lids at *me*...  :(

Behold my noble, outlaw-poet eyes, why don't you.

Creed = 87% Pure Sauce. Fact.
Got my photo taken for my passport the other day. I think I look a little like a eastern european terrarist.

I haven't shaved my head since I saw the photos from Brittens and realised just how big and nasty looking the scar on the side of my head is. I have more hair now than I've had for the last five years. Hooray for hair!

General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Wed 21/04/2004 12:54:56
Multi-armed Hindu god. But actually, after a brief google search, I realise I was thinking of Vishnu.  Never mind.
Straneg thought, but I can't get it out of my head, now - what WOULD Jesus do if you wanked in front of him? Ignore you? Ask you politely to stop? What?
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Wed 21/04/2004 12:30:11
Fair enough. So what would happen if I had a wank in front of Shiva the Destroyer?
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Mon 19/04/2004 10:47:22
Even if you did have a wank in front of Jesus, he'd forgive you, right? Isn't that how it works?
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