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Messages - Stumblebum

Me waiting for midnight mass.

This is an actual Halloween costume.  Photoshop was not involved.
Would anyone care to try my tiny nuts?

Howdy, I am a relative Noob to AGS and am very interested in practicing my nonexistent development skills with something like RoN.  And, as much of this discussion seems centered around making RoN more accessible to little green sprouts such as myself, it seems appropriate that I add my two cents.  I do like a lot of the canon based ideas being tossed around.  It also may be helpful to put together an illustrated "family tree" in order to display important characters, their relationships to one another, and their current state of being(alive/dead/zombie).  Each name could also be linked to their section in the wiki/written summary for further character information.  Also, in order to minimize these complications in the, new entries could be treated sort of like the short films on  Basically, RoN members could vote on each new game as to whether they deserve to influence the canon or not.  Anyway, those suggestions may be complicated or difficult to implement.  I'm just excited to start contributing to the RoN community as much as I can.  
Howdy all, My name is my name, and I am a currently unemployed writer living in Nashville, TN.  I've been watching the forums and tooling around with AGS for a few months and really like what I see.  There are a couple game concepts banging about in my head, including an unusual homage to French Impressionism, a sinister amoral adventure tentatively titled "Fratricide,"  and a few others not developed enough to mention. 

Since I don't plan on posting a terrible amount until I have completed at least a short test game, let me use this opportunity to give some "props,"  as the kids are saying, to a few AGS developers whose games have delighted and inspired me.  Crystal Shard's "A Tale of Two Kingdoms" is an impressively professional kick of a game.  Yatzee's Trilby quadrilogy, particularly "Trilby's Notes," is a lot of well orchestrated original fun.  IA and AGDI almost go without saying, and I am eagerly awaiting just about everything these two studios are currently working on.  And, last but not least, Grundislav is the frikken man!  The mix of genuinely funny humor and general eeriness in the Ben Jordan games makes me wish I had a real job so that I could make a donation or two to his site. 

Anyhoos, Chris Jones is a wicked cool super sexy guy for putting together such a fine sleek little piece of software, and I look forward to being a contributing member of the community that has grown around it.
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