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Topics - DBoyWheeler

General Discussion / Needing fillings soon.
Mon 16/10/2023 15:45:53

Found out there was a small patch of decay between two of my teeth (thankfully they caught it just in time).  But come November, I'll be needing fillings.

Yeah, my luck had to run out at some point.
So I saw the newer verb coin set up when you start making a new game.  But the way it set up with directions (North, West, etc.) might not work well with the verb coin I want to use.

Here's what I plan as a set up.

(I've made separate buttons with a snowflake style background--the bottom three are special buttons.)

And I've already commented out the stuff in the verb coin code for directions.
Code: ags
// Script header for VerbCoin script module

#ifdef SCRIPT_API_v3507
#define SCREEN_WIDTH Screen.Width
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT Screen.Height
#ifndef SCRIPT_API_v3507
#define SCREEN_WIDTH System.ViewportWidth
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT System.ViewportHeight

//enum VerbCoinPosition {
//  eVerbCoinPositionNorth,
//  eVerbCoinPositionEast,
//  eVerbCoinPositionSouth,
//  eVerbCoinPositionWest

struct VerbCoin {
  import static attribute int Radius;
  import static attribute int BackgroundTransparency;
  import static attribute int BackgroundColor;
  import static attribute int BorderColor;
  import static attribute int BorderWidth;
  import static function OnClick(GUIControl* control, MouseButton button);
  import static function RegisterButton(GUIControl* control, VerbCoinPosition position, CursorMode mode, String verbtext);
  import static attribute GUI* InterfaceGui;
  import static attribute GUI* InventoryGui;
  import static attribute Label* ActionLabel;
  import static function Enable();
  import static function Disable();
  import static function IsEnabled();
  import static function Open();
  import static function Close();
  import static function IsOpen();
  import static function CleanUp();
  import static attribute bool ButtonAutoDisable;
Code: ags
// sprite for the GUI background
DynamicSprite* sprite;

// GUI to use for the verbcoin
GUI* interface;

// inventory GUI to use
GUI* interface_inv;

// label to use for text actions
Label* action_label;

// default settings
int redraw = false;

// track where the interface was opened from
int context_x;
int context_y;
String context_text;

// map GUI controls against cursor modes
int modemap[];

// map GUI controls against text descrptions
String actionmap[];

// enable click handling and action label updates
bool enabled = false;

// whether buttons will be disabled if clicking them would result in an unhandled event
bool button_auto_disable = false;

function Clamp(static Maths, int value, int min, int max)
  if (value < min)
    value = min;

  if (value > max)
    value = max;

  return value;

function Min(static Maths, int value1, int value2)
  if (value1 > value2)
    return value2;

  return value1;

function set_buttons_enabled(bool state)
  for (int i; i < interface.ControlCount; i ++)
    if (interface.Controls[i].AsButton != null)
      interface.Controls[i].Enabled = state;

void set_Radius(static VerbCoin, int newradius)
  if (newradius < 1)
    newradius = 1;

  if (newradius != radius)
    radius = newradius;
    redraw = true;

int get_Radius(static VerbCoin)
  return radius;

void set_BackgroundTransparency(static VerbCoin, int transparency)
  transparency = Maths.Clamp(transparency, 0, 100);

  if (transparency != background_transparency)
    background_transparency = transparency;
    redraw = true;

int get_BackgroundTransparency(static VerbCoin)
  return background_transparency;

void set_BackgroundColor(static VerbCoin, int color)
  color = Maths.Clamp(color, 0, 65535);

  if (color != background_color)
    background_color = color;
    redraw = true;

int get_BackgroundColor(static VerbCoin)
  return background_color;

void set_BorderColor(static VerbCoin, int color)
  color = Maths.Clamp(color, 0, 65535);

  if (color != border_color)
    border_color = color;
    redraw = true;

int get_BorderColor(static VerbCoin)
  return border_color;

void set_BorderWidth(static VerbCoin, int width)
  width = Maths.Clamp(width, 0, radius);

  if (width != border_width)
    border_width = width;
    redraw = true;

int get_BorderWidth(static VerbCoin)
  return border_width;

static function VerbCoin::OnClick(GUIControl* control, MouseButton button)
  if (interface != null)
    interface.Visible = false;

  if (modemap != null && (button == eMouseLeft || button == eMouseRight))
    Room.ProcessClick(context_x, context_y, modemap[control.ID]);

function place_button(GUIControl* control, VerbCoinPosition position)
  float edge;

  if (position == eVerbCoinPositionNorth || position == eVerbCoinPositionSouth)
    edge = IntToFloat(control.Width) / 2.0;
    edge = IntToFloat(control.Height) / 2.0;

  float squared = Maths.RaiseToPower(IntToFloat(radius), 2.0) - Maths.RaiseToPower(edge, 2.0);

  if (squared < 0.0)
    squared = 0.0;

  float offset = Maths.Sqrt(squared);

  //if (position == eVerbCoinPositionNorth)
  //  control.X = radius - FloatToInt(edge);
  //  control.Y = radius - FloatToInt(offset, eRoundDown);
  //else if (position == eVerbCoinPositionEast)
  //  control.X = radius + FloatToInt(offset, eRoundUp) - control.Width;
  //  control.Y = radius - FloatToInt(edge);
  //else if (position == eVerbCoinPositionSouth)
  //  control.X = radius - FloatToInt(edge);
  //  control.Y = radius + FloatToInt(offset, eRoundUp) - control.Height;
  //else if (position == eVerbCoinPositionWest)
  //  control.X = radius - FloatToInt(offset, eRoundDown);
  //  control.Y = radius - FloatToInt(edge);

//static function VerbCoin::RegisterButton(GUIControl* control, VerbCoinPosition position, CursorMode mode, String action)
//  if (control.OwningGUI == interface && control.AsButton != null)
//  {
//    place_button(control, position);
//    modemap[control.ID] = mode;
//    actionmap[control.ID] = action;
//    control.Visible = true;
//  }

function render()
  // resize the GUI to fit the sprite
  int gui_size = radius * 2;
  gui_size = Maths.Min(gui_size, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
  gui_size = Maths.Min(gui_size, SCREEN_WIDTH);
  gui_size ++;
  interface.Width = gui_size;
  interface.Height = gui_size;

  DynamicSprite* background = DynamicSprite.Create(interface.Width, interface.Height, true);
  DrawingSurface* surface;

  // redraw the sprite
  surface = background.GetDrawingSurface();
  surface.DrawingColor = border_color;
  surface.DrawCircle(radius, radius, radius);
  surface.DrawingColor = background_color;
  surface.DrawCircle(radius, radius, radius - border_width);

  sprite = DynamicSprite.Create(interface.Width, interface.Height, true);
  surface = sprite.GetDrawingSurface();
  surface.DrawImage(0, 0, background.Graphic, background_transparency);
  interface.BackgroundGraphic = sprite.Graphic;

void set_InterfaceGui(static VerbCoin, GUI* interface_gui)
  interface = interface_gui;

  for (int i; i < interface.ControlCount; i ++)
    if (interface.Controls[i].AsButton != null)
      interface.Controls[i].Visible = false;

  modemap = new int[interface.ControlCount];
  actionmap = new String[interface.ControlCount];
  enabled = true;

GUI* get_InterfaceGui(static VerbCoin)
  return interface;

void set_InventoryGui(static VerbCoin, GUI* inventory_gui)
  interface_inv = inventory_gui;

GUI* get_InventoryGui(static VerbCoin)
  return interface_inv;

void set_ActionLabel(static VerbCoin, Label* label)
  action_label = label;
  action_label.Text = "";

Label* get_ActionLabel(static VerbCoin)
  return action_label;

static function VerbCoin::Enable()
  enabled = true;

static function VerbCoin::Disable()
  enabled = false;

static function VerbCoin::IsEnabled()
  return enabled;

static function VerbCoin::Open()
  if (interface != null)
    interface.Visible = true;

static function VerbCoin::Close()
  if (interface != null)
    interface.Visible = false;

static function VerbCoin::IsOpen()
  return interface != null && interface.Visible;

static function VerbCoin::CleanUp() {
  if (sprite != null) sprite.Delete();

void set_ButtonAutoDisable(static VerbCoin, bool autodisable)
  button_auto_disable = autodisable;

bool get_ButtonAutoDisable(static VerbCoin)
  return button_auto_disable;

function on_mouse_click(MouseButton button)
  if (interface == null || !enabled)
    // don't do anything if GUI isn't set or is disabled
  else if (button == eMouseLeft)
    if (GetLocationType(mouse.x, mouse.y) != eLocationNothing)
      if (player.ActiveInventory != null)
        Room.ProcessClick(mouse.x, mouse.y, eModeUseinv);
      else if (interface.Visible)
        interface.Visible = false;
      else if (interface_inv != null && interface_inv.Visible)
        interface_inv.Visible = false;
      else if (Character.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y) != player)
        context_x = mouse.x;
        context_y = mouse.y;
        interface.X = Maths.Clamp(context_x - radius, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - interface.Width);
        interface.Y = Maths.Clamp(context_y - radius, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - interface.Height);

        if (button_auto_disable)
          for (int i; i < interface.ControlCount; i ++)
            if (interface.Controls[i].AsButton != null)
              interface.Controls[i].Enabled = IsInteractionAvailable(context_x, context_y, modemap[interface.Controls[i].ID]);

        interface.Visible = true;
    // close windows or unset the active inventory item
    else if (interface.Visible)
      interface.Visible = false;
    else if (interface_inv != null && interface_inv.Visible)
      interface_inv.Visible = false;
    else if (player.ActiveInventory != null)
      player.ActiveInventory = null;
      // ...except when there is no nothing to deselect or close,
      // so just walk to this position
      Room.ProcessClick(mouse.x, mouse.y, eModeWalkto);
  else if (button == eMouseRight)
    // close windows or unset the active inventory item
    if (interface.Visible)
      interface.Visible = false;
    else if (player.ActiveInventory != null)
      player.ActiveInventory = null;
    else if (interface_inv != null && interface_inv.Visible)
      interface_inv.Visible = false;
    else if (interface_inv != null)
      // ...except when there is no nothing to deselect or close,
      // so a right click is also how the inventory is opened
      interface_inv.Visible = true;
  else if (button == eMouseLeftInv)
    // InventoryItem.GetAtScreenXY could return null here
    // so using game.inv_activated instead is a safer option
    InventoryItem* item = inventory[game.inv_activated];

    if (player.ActiveInventory == null)
      // left click to set active inventory
      player.ActiveInventory = item;
    else if (item.ID != player.ActiveInventory.ID)
      // left click to 'combine' items
    else if (interface_inv != null)
      // clicking an item on itself closes the inventory window
      // (this is just a shortcut to avoid moving the cursor, as it means
      // you can just double click an item to also close the window)
      interface_inv.Visible = false;
  else if (button == eMouseRightInv)
    // InventoryItem.GetAtScreenXY could return null here
    // so using game.inv_activated instead is a safer option
    InventoryItem* item = inventory[game.inv_activated];

    if (player.ActiveInventory == null && item != null)
      // right click to look at item
      // right click to deselect
      player.ActiveInventory = null;

function repeatedly_execute_always()
  if (redraw)
    redraw = false;

function repeatedly_execute()
  if (interface == null || !enabled)
    // don't do anything if GUI isn't set or is disabled
  else if (player.ActiveInventory == null)
    if (interface.Visible)
      // update text label for verb coin actions
      GUIControl* control = GUIControl.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y);

      if (action_label == null)
        // pass
      else if (control != null && control.AsButton != null && control.Enabled && context_text != null)
        action_label.Text = String.Format("%s %s", actionmap[control.ID], context_text);
      else if (context_text != null)
        action_label.Text = context_text;
    else if ((interface_inv != null && !interface_inv.Visible) || GetLocationType(mouse.x, mouse.y) == eLocationNothing)
      // update regular text label
      context_text = Game.GetLocationName(mouse.x, mouse.y);

      if (action_label != null)
        action_label.Text = context_text;
    if (interface_inv != null && interface_inv.Visible && GUI.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y) != interface_inv)
      // close inventory window once the cursor leaves
      interface_inv.Visible = false;

    // update text label for 'combining' items
    String location = Game.GetLocationName(mouse.x, mouse.y);
    InventoryItem *i = InventoryItem.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y);

    if ((i != null && i.ID == player.ActiveInventory.ID) || location == "")
      location = "...";

    if (action_label != null)
      action_label.Text = String.Format("Use %s with %s", player.ActiveInventory.Name, location);

function on_event(EventType event, int data)
  if (event == eEventLeaveRoom && interface != null)
    // hide interface when changing rooms
    interface.Visible = false;
  else if (event == eEventGUIMouseDown &&
      interface_inv != null &&
      data == interface_inv.ID &&
      InventoryItem.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y) == null)
    // handle clicks in the inventory area that are not on an inventory item
    GUIControl* control = GUIControl.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y);

    if (control == null || control.AsInvWindow == null)
      // pass
    else if (player.ActiveInventory != null)
      player.ActiveInventory = null;
      interface_inv.Visible = false;

What else do I need to change in the verb coin code to make my custom-made verb coin work?  (Once I know this part, I'll post the lines in the global script and ask what changes need to be there as well.)
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