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Topics - Yanek_Crispbread

Abscission is a Lovecraftian, story-driven horror point-and-click investigation game. It involves searching crime scenes for evidence, combining clues and questioning suspects. Puzzles can have multiple solutions as you guide the protagonist - Detective Will Stanhope - through the story.

Stanhope will sometimes be presented with alternative ways to handle a conversation, based on four temperaments:

Melancholic (detail oriented)
Phlegmatic (calm)
Sanguine (sociable)
Choleric (driven)

There is no one approach that works best for all conversations, and Stanhope will need to use all of them in order to be the best he can be.

This game adapts to your choices. People will remember how Stanhope spoke to them and may respond differently in the future, so consider each response carefully. Will Stanhope's destiny is in your hands. Choose wisely.

Available now on Steam:

Hello all,

I am a first time developer (who carefully reads the tutorials and FAQs!) making a horror themed adventure (with Lovecraftian vibes) called Abscission. The game is available to wishlist on Steam now, and features an updated playable Demo.

A game trailer can be found here -

The story centers around Will Stanhope, a detective in the fictional town of Ashfield in 1991. What begins as a seemingly routine (though savage) murder, begins to descend into a larger web of curious infections, body horror and tragedy. The player must progress through the story by talking to characters, combining clues, looking for evidence, solving puzzles, whilst fighting the effects of a dwindling sanity. The game features branching storylines and subplots, which are influenced by Stanhope's actions and temperament. Characters will react differently to Stanhope depending on how he treats them.

April 2023 Update - The game's alpha build is now complete and is in the process of having some extra details and fine tuning added. Abscission has a release date of Q4 2023, but this could be earlier depending on progress.

Progress so far:

The story is 100% plotted. The story locations are also 100% completed.
Currently in process is adding additional flavour text, details and lore to the world to flesh it out, along with bug fixing and clearing up of code.

I welcome all feedback as I want to make the best game I can, and it's the only way to improve. Thank you to the people who have commented, it's much appreciated :)

Thanks, Jake
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