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Topics - Giacomo

Hi, people of community.
I'd like to ask you help to create a custom edit game function.

I created a button on gui menu called "edit game".

To save/load/delete a slot push the button "edit game".

If there's no saved slot and game has not began yet, display the message: "You can't edit any game now!"

Else 3 rectangles appear(available slots).

Each rectangle, when clicked, let show max 3 buttons: save, load, delete

These 3 buttons appear only when needed, under the selected slot rectangle;
if game has not began and there are saved slot, you can only load or delete them for example,
as you can't load or delete an empty slot. If you started playing you can only save on empty rectangles.

I thought to build a function for which the position of 3 buttons depends from selected slot position,as it should appear right down the rectangle once it's clicked.

Each action depends from selected rectangle, for this I thought to insert some booleans to determine which rectangle was selected before any action is triggered; once button is pressed, action is triggered and let you save/load/delete game on selected slot.
When done, reset booleans.

Thank you,
Hello everybody.

I'd like to ask you a couple of questions about labels and arrows buttons.

I searched a lot in the forum and in the manual to find out a solution but I'm still
having my first experience in scripting and I need your help before I compromise my code.

I saw two interesting posts in which eri0o and Khris talked about the matter.

Thanks for these answer, they helped me a lot despite I'm not able to resolve these problems yet!

What'd I like to do is the following:

1)once you open Menu GUI, passing cursor over buttons should highlight their text

To accomplish this I thought to create an empty sprite, assign this sprite to every MouseOverImage button functions in the GUI, then create a Dynamic Sprite and Surface from the button graphic and text.
I wonder if I can use button text and background together to create a Dynamic Sprite.

2)I need an upload function to display correctly the dialogs GUI, as everytime I switch off an option state, a blank space
remains in the dialog windows, as if the option was still active; same goes for arrows, as they should appear and disappear
only when needed. This works fine for inventory window, but I'm not able to export the function over dialogs.

I also have a question about characters animation on standing frame, which is not in the title. I read about similar problems
but I'm not able to create a fine function. Please let me know if I can expand the post and put the question here, or should I
put the issue in a new post?

A character walks randomly in a certain area. He stops and after a little time he starts walking again.
I created a function with two timer calling each other everytime one of them is expired.
Character is carrying a ballon, so when he's standing the baloon should float.
I tried to split the animation, making of the baloon an object following character, but I don't find this is a good solution.
The function works fine except when the character stop moving, as he changes view but no animation starts.

Please let me know if I can put some code regarding this matter in this post!

Thank you all in advance,
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