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Topics - Terminator2

Hello everyone,

I need some help resolving an issue with the following code. Now what I want is to have my NPC (the librarian) randomly walk to various locations and then when he gets to the spot, he needs to perform an animation. I can get it working for the most part but the animation doesn't work when I use the eNoBlock parameter. In other words, the librarian just stands there. Here's the code in the room repeat function:

Code: ags

if (TimerStart == true) {
    location = Random(0); // Randomize 9 numbers
    TimerStart = false; // Stop timer from randomizing
  if (TimerStart == false) { // If timer is paused then send librarian to location
    if (cLibrarian.Moving) {
      // If librarian is moving do nothing
    } else {
      if (location == 0) {
        if (Walked == false) {
          cLibrarian.Walk(444, 229, eNoBlock, eWalkableAreas);
          if (cLibrarian.Moving == true) {
          } else {
            Walked = true;
            cLibrarian.Animate(2, 5, eOnce, eNoBlock, eForwards);
            if (cLibrarian.Animating == true) {
            } else {
              Walked = false;
              TimerStart = true;

There are normally 9 locations but for testing purposes, I just have it as 0.
When I do debug and the engine gets to the Animate command it goes and loops around through the GlobalScript repeatable
and doesn't come back to the room repeatable.

If I do the eBlock parameter it works but I can't control Ego.

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