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Topics - lapsking

Hi, I have a dialog option in my game which the player asks about a severed head. My English is not bad but I get confused if it gets complicated. I tried asking my question on Quora but thought why not here, there are very good writers on AGS forum.

So my question is "Who did this severed head belong to?" I even don't know if it's correct. What is the best way to ask this question? Thanks.

Edit: maybe "Whose severed head is this?" is better?
Hi, I'm using Thumbleweed template. Even on the example game that comes with AGS, changing "Number dialog options" doesn't do anything neither on AGS 3.5 or 3.6. I thought it should enable/disable numbering dialog options and enable/disable keyboardshortcuts for dialog options. But it doesn't. Do I have an irrelevant expectation or is it not functioning?
Hi, I'm using LucasArts style dialog in my game. I read other topics and checked manual but still I have issues.

I made a GUI and set it as dialog GUI in genral settings as you can see at the bottom of the screen. but my dialog options box is locked up in the air and it's too small for my game. I used game.dialog_options_x/y commands:

Code: ags
function game_start() 
game.dialog_options_x = 15;
game.dialog_options_y = 900;

but it's still locked in it's place. And I think dialog options box size is for default resolution and too small for my game resolution and I couldn't figure out how to make it bigger. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks!

EDIT: I moved the dialog options box into GUI with this command:
Code: ags
function dialog_options_get_dimensions(DialogOptionsRenderingInfo *info)
  info.X = 0;
  info.Y = 858;
  info.Width = 1920;
  info.Height = 858;

Now the position and background size of the dialog box options are fine, but the arrows are in weird positions and still I can't see dialog options texts. I can see the text parser though.

Why is it so complicated to adjust dialog options with changing resolution! What am I supposed to do now?
Oh no, me again. (wrong) And believe me I've searched the forum already and couldn't find the solution. But maybe it already exists and I used wrong keywords. So forgive me.

I want to use x item on y item and then use both on an object or hotspot. I know how to combine inventory items but it doesn't make sense here. The action bar should read "Use X with Y with Z". X and Y are inventory items and Z is an object. I've seen it in some other games. I appreciate any help.
Hi, now I have another issue. I'm using tumbleweed template and I have changed speech font. Game resolution is 1920x1080. It's not a big issue but it's not nice either. Bottoms of gpjqy letters in bottom line of speech text gets cropped. I tried to move text a bit higher with SayAt command, but it has nothing to do with that and it happens with all characters. Wherever the text appears it's the same. If you look at the picture letters gpqyj are complete in first line but in bottom line the bottoms are cropped. Is there a solution for that? Thank you in advance.

Hi, I'm making a game with Tumbleweed verbs template. I have changed the default verb from Walk To to Look At since it's a first person game and there isn't much use for Walk To.

My problem is whatever verb the player selects and then moves the cursor over hotspots or objects, Look At verb which is default verb highlights. I want to change that. I want the selected verb which shows in action bar to be kept highlighted, not only cursor moves over hotspots or objects but as long as it's selected, till another verb is selected. As you can see in the picture Pick Up verb is selected but Look At verb is highlighted.

Thanks for any help.
Hi, a basic question from a below basic coder. I'm using AGS 3.5.1 Tumbleweed template. All I want is to change cursor mode when mouse moves over hotspot. I have found the code in manual and forum I guess:
Code: ags
function hCastle_MouseMove()
    Mouse.Mode = eModeWalkto;

And I've set the hotspot Event for Mouse moves over hotspot, but still when mouse moves over hotspot my cursor remains default which is eModeLookat. Sorry for such a silly question but what am I missing?

Any help would be appreciated
AGS Games in Production / The Order
Sun 07/08/2022 12:40:14
The Order
an oil adventure game on canvas by lapsking
If killing one saves hundreds of lives, assassination is permitted...

AD 1096, Iran - AD 1096, Iran – You are one of the Order of Assassins fedais, an assassin who would sacrifice anything including his life to execute his master's order. And this time your master Sabbah wants the Seljuk prince of Rudkhan Castle removed. All an assassin needs is a dagger and a clever plan.


Development Progress:
Story: 70%
Scripting: 25%
Art: 25%

• All art is painted by hand with oil on canvas (backgrounds, characters, objects and inventory items)
• Historical fiction
• High resolution: 1920×1080
• First-person with 9-verb UI
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