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Topics - Jabbage

Hi all,

I've been using the VerbCoin template which comes with AGS for a game, and I've got to hold my hands up and say that I don't really understand how it works, at least not in enough depth to troubleshoot it! I've generally tried to leave the verb coin scripting well alone beyond cosmetic changes and hoped for the best.

Some friends who have play tested my game have had this popup:

I haven't been able to get this message to occur myself which makes it difficult to know exactly what circumstances it's been happening, and it seems to have happened at different points of the games for different people.

Here is the line of the VerbCoin code it's refering to

If anyone has any pointers for what might be the issue here, or things I could try to look into for more clues about the issue, that would be so helpful!  :-D
Thank you!

The Beekeeper's Picnic

It is the 1920s, and in the sleepy Sussex village of Fulworth, an elderly beekeeper (who is definitely NOT the world's greatest detective... any more) is trying to arrange a pleasant clifftop picnic for his friend Dr Watson. The only problem is that a series of pesky murderous mysteries keep getting in the way.

A retro-inspired cosy point and click adventure and mystery(ish) game lovingly inspired by the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

There is a kickstarter campaign underway right now!(Fully funded, hooray!)


Current Progress:
Story--  90%
Puzzles-- 90%
Graphics--  70%
Scripting -- 50%
Music/Sound-- 10%

Release Date:
Planning for Q2 2024 at the moment!


23/10/22 - I've unleased my 'proof of concept' demo on the world! A few rooms, a few characters, and me trying out a few game mechanisms and teaching myself how to use AGS.
I put it up on since a few people were interested in seeing it.
I've also mapped out the story and created some puzzle dependancy charts. I'm sure there will be lots of tweaks along the way, but it's nice to have a roadmap to follow! 

24/11/22 - I've taken what I learned from the demo and now I'm in the process of blocking out the prologue of the game.
I'm leaving the artwork for now since for me that's the pleasant, easy bit which I could happily sink a lot of time into (only to find myself with lots of nice artwork and no game!)

21/01/23 - Prologue complete, and I'm in the process of roughly scripting the whole game, mostly with placeholder graphics. I want to get it into a position where I can show it to some trusted folks to see if the puzzles and pacing work for them, before I start adding any fancy extras.
I've also made a Steam page, which was a wild ride - so. many. graphics!

01/05/23 - The game is now vaguely play-able from start to finish, with lots of placeholder graphics and text.
I'm finally letting myself have fun making backgrounds and character art!
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