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Topics - DvDCover

Hey all. Ever since Covid had us all locked up inside, i have been delving into childhood nostalgia trying to find any and all games i played during my childhood. Its been a bit of a trip, but I managed to find most of them somehow. 8-bit Duke nukem, Major Stryker, a certain Doom mod, some kind of FPS based on Disneys Atlantis.

There is however one particular game that is more or less impossible to find, no matter how hard i try. The problem is that I only have the vaguest of details about it, and even those details are completely unhelpful for the most part.

I have however spent way too much time trying to find this game, and at this point its "Do or die" for me. I need to either find this game, or somehow get a confirmation that it cannot be found.

Which brings me here. Finding Adventure Game studio is the closest lead I have come across so far, and there is just no way this game was NOT made using AGS (Or most likely Adventure Creator).

So, the following are all the vague details i can remember about this game:

  • It was made for either Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. Most likely the latter. And it appeared on our family computer in the late 90s. I was barely sentient back then, so i did not question it.
  • It was a point-and-click text adventure RPG-ish something something, in the sense that you navigated by clicking on prompts or certain parts of the background picture. E.g the game displays a picture of a tree, and the text gives you the option to go left, right or climb the tree. An old-school text based RPG with pictures, basically.
  • I very vaguely remember some form of character creation screen, that must have had several different stat options. I cannot for the life of me remember what those stats where, but i can imagine them being inspired by ye ol' Dungeons and Dragons. What little I do remember is that it was a very simple screen fitting an unfinished Windows 95 game. No character customization, only stats.
  • At a point, after progressing for a few screens, there was a message displayed that (paraphrasing) the animation for this scene was not done and would be added in a future version.
  • There were no original art done for the game (to my recollection). All the pictures used to show the areas were ....placeholder family or vacation photos. The game was either a demo, alpha-release or whatever counted as early-access release back then.
  • The first quests or tasks involved advanced or somewhat abstract math. I MIGHT misremember this due to me being a dumb-as-a-brick kid back when i played it, but I am almost entirely certain it was not your average run of the mill math that could easily be solved with a calculator. To make it worse, i cannot remember what the question was about either.
  • I cant remember what the background pictures ....pictured, exactly. I have abstract memories about them involving some kind of forest, and something about a woman standing behind an open window inside a house, where the picture was taken from the outside of the house.

So, does anyone have the faintest idea about which game this could be? What i played was obviously a demo, but it might have been developed further afterwards. I have absolutely nothing to go on besides the points i mentioned above.

Any help would be appreciated.
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