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Topics - nanokankk

Hi everyone,

I'm building a game with a custom inventory (each inventory item is a button) and a custom dialog GUIs (similar to Broken Sword). Custom inventory GUI is displayed when the mouse cursor is above a certain Y coordinate.

During a dialog, I would like the player to be able to choose inventory items as dialog options. At the moment, I'm struggling with making the inventory GUI to respond to mouse events during a dialog thread. If I manually display the inventory GUI during the dialog thread, the GUI is shown but all its GUIControl Buttons do not respond to mouse over, mouse click, etc...

Do you have any suggestion on how to make other GUIs functional during an AGS dialog thread? I suppose one alternative could be to implement a fully custom dialog system, but I'd like to avoid that as much as possible. On another note, has anyone built a game on which inventory items were also possible dialog options?

Thank you!
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