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Topics - Akril15

I've got a couple of rooms set up to make several NPCs wander through them along one of several paths on a single large walkable area (I hesitate to post it at the moment, since it's pretty messy). My script works good, except for what happens if the player character (who is using the same walkable area) walks into one of them, or vice versa.

If the NPCs are solid, they will stop moving when the player character collides with them, but if they're not solid, I encounter a number of issues with the characters overlapping incorrectly (often making it look like one character is walking on top of the other), and unsurprisingly, the NPCs will often walk through the player character like they're ghosts. I've tried making the player character stop when overlapping with another character, but the "walking over characters" issue still comes up. I've tried changing the player's baseline when colliding with an NPC, but that doesn't seem to work either.

Is there another technique I might consider?
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